Problems are rare and if something ever came up Amy got it resolved with customer service.
Printing presses started cranking out books, a few at first, and they were rare and expensive.
However, large-scale natural disasters--though rare and well spaced out in time--undoubtedly have that power.
Cars in their dramatic black showroom are pricey, rare and in extremely fine condition.
Conservationists in Cambridgeshire are celebrating after the birth of a "rare and endangered" white-collared lemur.
In my experience, such internal and external brand alignment is a rare and precious find.
But peering into DNA is becoming an option for wealthy patients with rare and scary diseases.
But to actually set foot on the continent is a rare and awe-inspiring treat.
They're looking for the rare and hard-to-get, the limited releases, the birthday bourbons and single-barrel bourbons.
This type of trial with children is rare and the results are highly anticipated.
WSJ: Food Allergy Advice for Parents: Start Peanuts, Eggs and More Sooner
Getting things this right is a rare and enjoyable experience so excuse the trumpet blowing.
Media gagging orders in Israel are rare and issued in special cases concerning national security.
Players will progressively be able to wield rare and exotic weapons, gear, and powers.
Manufacturers say shock reports are rare and recommend customers ground treadmills with a rubber mat.
Men who manage to be involved fathers and top professionals are equally rare and privileged.
In poor countries, trained specialists are rare and the cost of supplies is high.
To have an opera company and an orchestra working in tandem is a rare and enticing prospect.
Given that opportunity comes so few and far between, this opportunity is really rare and extremely unique.
FORBES: Updated: Dropbox Acquires Cove And Former Facebook Execs
That it manages to make them laugh at the same time is a rare and welcome feat.
In rare and extreme cases, he said, it should be used for no longer than 15 days.
They were searching for the birthing grounds of a rare and endangered Tibetan antelope called the chiru.
Albino wallabies are believed to be extremely rare and can change hands for hundreds of pounds.
Doctors often overlook the signs because it's so rare and symptoms can be as mild as headaches.
Yet this is one of those rare and complex dramas that you can enter, not simply watch.
Experts say man-eating wolves are extremely rare and are found here only because of very unusual conditions.
Conjoined twins are rare and take place at the rate of about one in 400, 000 live births.
However, these incidents are extremely rare and there are misconduct procedures in place to cover such allegations.
His actions were rare and powerful acts of civil disobedience not commonly seen in our generation.
FORBES: What the Aaron Swartz Tragedy Means to His Generation
The middle has been hollowed out, on-the-job training is rare and good posts hard to come by.
ECONOMIST: It��s tougher than it appears for the millennial generation