If people are purely rational, they should be equally apt to accept either bet.
Rational people should be free, and they should be responsible for taking care of themselves.
Another more rational explanation is that Iran threatened missile strikes only to keep oil prices high.
What I think is missing in many enterprises is a rational approach to unavoidable novelty.
FORBES: Novelty, Change, and Innovation: Star Trekking The New Hotness
But it's through rational deliberation, not fear-mongering, that we can devise policies that will accomplish this.
The world of men is about competition and risk-taking, but it may be less rational.
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The variables are nearly infinite and therefore, relying on predictions is not a rational decision-making method.
Investors are completely rational. they take risks only if they get paid for doing so.
For all rational purposes, Cox says, the economy will not improve unless the market does.
With a more rational retirement system, many more charter schools would give up DB pensions voluntarily.
Is there any rational in permitting the continuation of commercial 'hunting' of wild fish?
Is it because of any rational analysis of changing markets and shifting customer needs?
Whether that human economic behavior is rational or irrational may ultimately be a matter of perspective.
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In a rational world there would be no such thing as a nondiversified money market account.
It is not that they are incapable of making "rational" cost-benefit calculations, by their own lights.
Behavioral finance teaches that, as humans, we are not always rational or driven by logic.
Rational drug design, the hallmark of new-school biotech, is no panacea, as Gladwell rightly points out.
If some drilling equipment parts are flawed, is it rational to say all are?
Yet, libertarianism, drawing upon the great thinkers of the Age of Reason, is a rational worldview.
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That rational process is not helping someone in the middle of an irrational act.
The psychologists showed that people take mental shortcuts that cause them to veer from rational behavior.
We now have the opportunity to create a rational and more just regulatory environment.
In any case, Zakaria is inclined to think that rational calculation will ultimately prevail.
To be strictly rational about it, we should all have ourselves a very Donnie Brasco Christmas.
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In a democracy, popular opinion is notoriously fickle and frequently insusceptible to rational persuasion.
In fact there is an agenda out there encouraging us to be less rational.
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The IOC should ask itself whether all this makes sense, whether this is rational or madness.
Thus, rational discourse about tax policy has never been more scarce or more necessary.
FORBES: Bruce Bartlett's Accessible and Insightful Guide to Tax Reform
The 1996 Telecom Reform Act failed precisely because it did not account for rational, self-interested behavior.
Fight for the essence of that which is man: for his sovereign rational mind.