Even in the realms of psychology, neurology and journalism, sentiment is taking over from rationalism.
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To the romantic rationalism of Paris, he added the transcendental longings of Whitman and Emerson.
Wells, he abandoned the Christian fundamentalism of his teenage years and acquired an enduring respect for rationalism and science.
In Sullivan's day, American architectural studies were dominated by the French Beaux-Arts tradition, and particularly by Viollet-le-Duc's romantic rationalism.
Perhaps she is showing the kind of rationalism that she criticises when liberal observers become involved in the parades controversy.
The Left, which once portrayed itself as the bastion of scientific rationalism, increasingly embraces neo-druidism, a secular form of nature worship.
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Mr Solzhenitsyn is an old-fashioned, God-fearing romantic: anti-industrial, anti-materialist, anti-Enlightenment, and against what he sees as the deadening excesses of rationalism.
He asserted that Greek rationalism and Abrahamic spirituality had fused, a couple of centuries before the coming of Christ, in a providential synthesis.
The survey was conducted for the Richard Dawkins Foundation for Reason and Science (UK), which describes itself as promoting "scientific education, rationalism and humanism".
Business people have been having such fantasies of rationalism for decades.
Is it a religious system, or some form of NeoKantian rationalism?
His concern with physical and psychological needs that could not be accommodated by the large-scale modular prototypes advocated by the new rationalism led him to individualized, site-specific plans.
By the '70s he was combining the practical technology and functional rationalism of modernist practice with a more conscious relationship of a building to its culture and community.
Later on, as a political hack in London, Wordsworth did ally himself with English Jacobins such as Wollstonecraft's future husband William Godwin, but his approach to politics was hardly dictated by dispassionate Godwinian rationalism.
Meanwhile, the fashionable idea that Asia's many hard-edged nationalisms had been softened by trade-weighted rationalism has been rudely knocked aside, not least by India's nuclear tests in May and the echoing booms from Pakistan.
Despite the growth of rationalism from the late 18th century on, the churches, or individuals with a desire to spread the Good Word, continued to be a driving force in bringing literacy to the lower classes.
In recent years religious ideas have increasingly impinged on public life in ways unacceptable to New Atheist rationalism, from arguments over the teaching of "intelligent design" in schools to gay marriage and restrictions on embryonic stem cell research.
Now that we're in the right place all the time, are we waiting for the moment that someone finally catches an entity, or are we entering a new mini-era of rationalism through technology that finally settles all of our irrational fears as humans?
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We want to show to the people that the universality of knowledge pops up not from a presumed purity, but rather from its way of looking at the world, from the freedom of the research within a rigid rationalism, and, in reality, from constant selfcriticism.
In a revealing aside on the infamous Cottingley fairy photographs, taken by two young girls (one of whom worked in a photographer's shop retouching prints), she suggests that it may well have been the literal-minded rationalism of Conan Doyle and his ilk that was the problem.