The concern is that, if we do not re-start lending in this country, our recovery will be choked off before it even begins.
Now is the time to jump-start job creation, re-start lending, and invest in areas like energy, health care, and education that will grow our economy, even as we make hard choices to bring our deficit down.
With doctors constantly re-locating and departments lending, sharing, and moving some of these (approximately 10, 000) devices around, the need for a robust tracking system is critical.
And the more ideological objection is that it would be a de facto statement that the banks have no idea what they're doing when lending - and that's quite hard to sustain for a government that wants to privatise RBS and Lloyds at the earliest opportunity.
Publishers have largely resisted e-book library lending because they're concerned it might undermine their own e-book sales.
CNN: E-book lending: Your public library's best kept secret?
Major publishers are taking wildly different approaches to resolving the woes surrounding e-book lending at libraries: they're experimenting with both the short-yet-cheap subscription as well as an expensive option to pay only once for perpetual use.
ENGADGET: Macmillan tests selling e-books to libraries in two-year stretches
"We're not seeing any significant feed-through to business lending, " says Adam Marshall, policy director at the British Chambers of Commerce (BCC).
So the message to those in Europe who recoil at lending Greece more money is - you're endangering the global economy.
The Treasury report says that short-term lending is easing up and they're happy about that, but companies are still finding it hard to get money longer term at rates that they're happy with.
But, looking at what's happened to lending and other economic data since the Bank re-started quantitative easing last autumn, many in the City are wondering how much difference this extra liquidity is likely to make.
Yes, has says, it's stopped, you know, a potential catastrophe of kind of a run on a banks, but - look, we're just in a new reality now where lending is going to be tighter.
And that's why today, we're announcing new steps to support more lending to America's small businesses -- steps that will lead to more jobs, more growth, and a stronger economic recovery.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Announces New Small Business Lending Initiatives | The White House
Matsui said while many might not see it, Gephardt is participating behind the scenes by lending advice to Members on the floor and to threatened lawmakers facing tough re-elections.
Neither could interest rate cuts coax banks, which are currently re-evaluating risk and keeping a tight grasp on their balance sheet, to be more generous in their lending to house buyers.
So for more on what you can do to protect yourself from predatory lending we're joined now by Keith Corbett, senior vice president at the Center for Responsible Lending, and Los Angeles-based foreclosure specialist Azeem Ali, with Pacific Coast Capital.