The reactor core would be no more than several metres wide and about ten metres long.
The enormous heat generated by the radioactive fuel in the reactor core needs a constant flow of cold water.
FORBES: Second Explosion Damages Another Japanese Nuclear Reactor
The water leak occurred in thousands of tubes that carry heated water from the reactor core through the plant's steam generators.
That thinking changed on March 28, 1979, when a small valve stuck open, cooling water escaped and the reactor core of TMI's Unit 2 began to melt.
CNN: Three Mile Island, 20 years later
The exercise, with a command centre in Poundbury, Dorchester, will test their response to the scenario of a radioactive leak from a submarine with a damaged nuclear reactor core.
BBC: Nuclear submarine accident exercise in Portland
In addition to driving the turbines to create electricity, the steam generators are "one of the barriers between the radioactive material in the reactor core and ultimately the external environment, " Jaczko noted.
In like manner, I believe that reactors should be designed such that an earthquake of any magnitude could not destroy the reactor or its containment shell, further that if the reactor core was to start to melt down, the melt down itself would shut the reactor down and, at the very worst, the reactor would entomb itself with no potential release of radiation into the environment.
FORBES: A Year After Fukushima Meltdown, Is Nuke Power Any Safer?
The core of a nuclear reactor operates at about 550 degrees Fahrenheit, well below the temperature of a coal furnace and only slightly hotter than a kitchen oven.
WSJ: William Tucker: Japan Does Not Face Another Chernobyl
All of the rods from the fuel core were put into the spent fuel pool above the reactor at that time.
FORBES: New Video From Fukushima Shows Containment Vessel Dome Amid Debris
At Purdue University in Indiana, scientists are working on a reactor-like device that uses water circulated by gravity to keep the core cool.
CNN: Today/Tomorrow - Helping nuclear plants keep their cool
Each of the reactors will be a small, modular, 125MW advanced light water reactor, which at the present time includes a design for the nuclear core and steam generator to be located at the same site, with passive safety designs.
FORBES: TVA Signs Deal for Modular Nuclear Reactors