In order to realizethegoal of true personalized cancer treatments, much more data will have to be made available and paired with rich clinical information on the case histories of the patients from which the samples come.
The two sides believe that efforts to realize this goal will promote the fundamental interests of the two peoples and the noble cause of world peace and development.
Similarly, good people can focus so much on reaching the stretch goal that they fail to realize how this has dumped other work on their co-workers, led the company to accept mortgages that are too risky, etc.
If the West does not move quickly and purposefully toward this goal, however, the opportunity to realize it may be lost in the quickening German slide toward disarmed neutralism and inordinately close economic ties with the East.
If your goal is to support and model collaboration, then you need to realize that dressing like the other team members is the successful message in this situation.
Cenovus plans on expanding production to five times the current rate by 2019 and according to Pape recent developments will go a long way in helping realize this goal.