Halfway down this block, he reappears at the other end, coming deliberately toward me.
ENGADGET: This is the Modem World: When tech can't save us from road rage
After he leaves, Mustafa reappears, accompanied by Taddeo as his bodyguard, dressed in Turkish clothes.
But these hopes are regularly dashed when Masako reappears in public obviously still not pregnant.
But a shadow of the past reappears, and the girl has her own ghosts.
But then, as the car drives off in the distance, the music reappears as though it never went away.
In an instant, she reappears in the window seat closest to Liz, her backpack beside her like a twin.
And yet, each season, the frost melts, the cold recedes, the sun reappears.
In Thai legend, Rahu reappears as the younger brother of two men who are reincarnated as the sun and moon.
So less revenues are produced by the tax increases than they expect, and have budgeted for, and the deficit reappears.
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The estate tax might go away--under the loopy law passed this year the tax disappears in 2010 and reappears in 2011.
La Peregrina reappears in England only in the later 19th century, having been acquired from Napoleon III by the Duke of Abercorn.
When Pasternack reappears, Powers asks him again if he has any stripers.
The cacophony of country living heats up to a frenzy before the meditative snake charmer reappears to again place the audience under his spell.
And sadly, many investors will miss the sunshine when it reappears.
As well as dealing with the mentally-unstable John Stonehouse - who disappears, reappears and then resigns - there are serial rebels who threaten to bring the government down.
Kobo's diamond pattern reappears on the Vox's lock screen, which also contains a rotating selection of quotes from authors -- an immediate reminder that, at its heart, the Vox is a reading device.
In another departure from Vietnam practice, conscientious objectors cannot state their opposition to war when they register, but have to wait to present their claim to a local board if the draft reappears.
Thus why homosexuality continually reappears, generation after generation.
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Twenty-nine paragraphs later, Elfride reappears, drenched by rain.
The episode is known as the Younger Dryas, because in Scandinavia abundant pollen from a tundra flower called the mountain avens, Dryas octopetala, reappears in soil from this date, indicating that the forest had once more given way to tundra.
WSJ: Matt Ridley on New Support for a Global-Cooling Theory | Mind & Matter