Low levels of capital relative to assets were a major factor in the recent global financial crisis.
BBC: Global bankers agree new capital reserve rules
It's also Israel's economic engine, home to a thriving high-tech industry and buoyant banking sector that helped the country escape the recent global financial crisis relatively unscathed.
WSJ: Insider's Guide to Tel Aviv: Middle Eastern Promises | Journal Concierge
In a recent report, " The Implications of the Global Financial Crisis for Low-Income Countries, " the Fund singled out sub-Saharan Africa as particularly vulnerable to the crisis, as lower global growth reduces export demand and depresses commodity prices.
CNN: Lesson for Africa from global economic crisis
We must also do more to safeguard the recent gains, which may well be under threat from the global economic and financial crisis.
UNESCO: World Water Assessment Programme (WWAP)
Housing costs have risen almost nonstop as Singapore's economy recovered from the global financial crisis, and have been the cause of growing public complaints in recent years.
WSJ: DBS Says Singapore Property Curbs to Hurt Growth
They say that as the global financial crisis and the eurozone's debt issues hurt global demand in recent years, many of the economies in Asia eased their policies to help stoke domestic consumption to sustain growth.
BBC: Can Asian economies fuel Asia's growth?
There's no getting around it, the BRICs have come out of the global financial crisis remarkably well, especially China, whose diplomatic skills at the recent G20 Summit in Cannes impressed all who were there and left the American delegation rather nervous.
BBC: The global financial crisis and the BRICs
One thing that quickly becomes apparent when examining the numerous regulatory reforms that are currently being attempted on both sides of the Atlantic in recent years is that the attitude of regulators towards private equity and hedge funds changed significantly during the global financial crisis.
FORBES: "Villains" of Financial Crisis Wrestle with Misperceptions
Growth in Europe has slowed in recent months as the eurozone debt crisis has forced governments to rein in spending and has undermined confidence in global financial markets.
BBC: Recession 'to return' to Europe, say economists