But the iceman, in his last two meals, had red deer and ibex meat.
According to reports commissioned by SNH, there are between 360, 000 and 400, 000 red deer in Scotland.
The tribe has imported animals from all over the globe--water buffalo, wild boar, and Axis, fallow and red deer.
Animals like the Emperor of Exmoor, a red deer shot dead in Devon, should be protected, according to a group of MPs.
The trust said the size of Quinag's red deer population was too large and having a damaging impact on woods at Ardvar and Loch a'Mhuilinn.
Anna Preuss, NTS's new filming manager, said the crew were "absolutely blown away" by the landscape and red deer stags that appeared during the shoot.
Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) said red deer were not under threat.
And fossil finds from Red Deer Cave, also in China, and Iwo Eleru in Nigeria point to a hitherto unappreciated diversity among Late Pleistocene humans.
The next thing I know, the train has worked its overnight magic, and the canyons of office blocks and black cabs have been replaced by red deer grazing on granite crags.
The Chase covers an area of 26 sq m (41.8 sq km) and it is estimated it is home to about 700 fallow deer, 150 red deer plus an unknown number of muntjak deer.
Biodiversity officer Mark Iley said that a fallow deer was the most likely in terms of population size in Essex but it could have been a red deer, which are rare in the county.
The parkland in which the pub sits one of the largest restored historic landscapes in Britain comes right up to the door and is home to a thriving herd of red deer that were reintroduced during the restoration.
That is a lot of prime London real estate populated by some very privileged trees and flowers - and, in the case of Richmond, red and fallow deer.
It dishes up authentic Polish cuisine with an international twist, along the lines of beef stroganoff with chanterelle mushrooms served in a hollowed-out loaf of sourdough bread, and saddle of roe deer marinated in red wine and served with blueberry jelly.