The figures were revealed after the council published documents on its website about the deal - however it did not redact commercially sensitive information properly.
After his social security number was made public, Burkle successfully sought to seal or redact certain information, citing the threat of identity theft, stalking and kidnapping.
The defense official said the department had chosen not to notify people named in the documents because it doesn't know if WikiLeaks will redact the names.
After initially claiming that it was taking time to redact the data, LulzSec hacker Sabu announced that the data would be released Thursday at 1pm Greenwich Mean Time.
The only effort that I made in discussing -- the only effort that I made with the Times -- who I will say came to us, I think handled this story in a responsible way -- I passed a message through the writers at the New York Times to the head of WikiLeaks to redact information that could harm personnel or threaten operations or security.