It's one way to redeploy assets that would otherwise be busy only during winter.
When markets are in turmoil, using ETFs can help you redeploy your capital in a hurry.
The college said it hoped to redeploy 17 lecturing staff affected by the move.
Managers are looking at ways to redeploy some staff whose positions are being reviewed.
We're constantly having to redeploy resources to make sure that they're having maximum impact.
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However, we have identified many opportunities to drive efficiencies and redeploy resources which will remove duplication and complexity.
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Or if you sell the Technology Select Sector SPDR you could redeploy into the Vanguard Information Technology ETF.
But Mr Wren added Capita would first look to redeploy its staff elsewhere in their organisation if this happened.
The decision to redeploy assets by the US military came after it defended its handling of the rescue operation.
As bonds are redeemed, you redeploy the money at the new higher rates.
He adds that for the last few years, the company has been able to redeploy excess cash into the business.
With a little legwork, he managed to redeploy his political strategy skills to a position as a professional sports agent.
The council launched an investigation and decided to redeploy her to another post in the authority, but she resigned instead.
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With mutual funds and exchange-traded funds, it gets trickier to book your loss in one fund and redeploy into another.
His plan would redeploy troops to surrounding countries in the region while the Iraqi government and military take over their country.
The Scottish Salmon Company (SSC) said it would try to redeploy staff where possible, or offer them help to find alternative work.
And you can tell that by the decision to redeploy Army brigades to Iraq sooner than earlier planned and for longer periods.
It said it would try to redeploy people to avoid compulsory redundancies.
It added it hoped to be able to redeploy the majority of staff to alternative roles at its other operations in the Glasgow area.
That will allow China to move up the value chain and redeploy its labor force away from assembling high tech products and sewing fabric together.
When sales have ramped up sufficiently, reserve use of specialists only for the biggest, most complex deals, and redeploy them to other potential high-growth areas.
The trust has served 55 notices of compulsory redundancy to people whose jobs are at risk in the review although they are hoping to redeploy staff.
It took officials about six minutes to clear about 50 people from the pitch and police had to redeploy within the stadium to tackle the invasion.
Malaysia has backtracked from threats to expel most of the 1m or so illegal immigrants from Indonesia, now saying it hopes to redeploy many of them.
As Army forces become ever more concentrated in the continental United States, the national need for the means to redeploy them to distant battlefields will increase markedly.
Serco contract director Mark Pacey said it had a seen 55% decline in calls and it was working to redeploy staff or help them gain new skills.
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So much so that he wanted this week to scotch Pentagon plans to redeploy some of the American forces, especially those nearest the border with North Korea.
And, hardhearted though it may sound, most of the gains from trade and technology alike come from the way they redeploy investment and labour to activities that create more wealth.
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They can start giving equity back to owners, by paying bigger dividends or buying back shares, so that investors can redeploy their capital to industries in which the pickings are better.
But if the carrier offers, say, 25 cents on the dollar, aircraft lessors like GE Capital (which owns 20 United planes) may just repossess and try to redeploy the jets to overseas carriers.