My own pants were always sagging down below my belly button, redneck-style, even with a belt.
Mr. COLEMAN: Oh, just based upon, you know, my friends who tend to have redneck attitudes.
But as long as redneck shows get ratings, Hollywood will keep pumping them out.
Further along is Floyd, where yuppie meets hippy meets redneck and everyone seems to get along.
But the absence of redneck representation is also partly a function of Britain's recent political convergence.
The Summer Redneck Games began in 1996 when Atlanta, Georgia, was home to the summer Olympics.
Whether you be black or white, redneck or freak, from Memphis or Moscow, Elvis remains the king.
Shelton kicked the show off with his new single "Boys 'Round Here, " a hip-hop-flavored ode to redneck swag.
In another episode, he takes a detour from his mission when a redneck woman offers up hot pie.
These guys are worried about the 40 year old guy who pours your Alabama Slammers at the Redneck Yacht Club?
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What makes Hollywood's current love affair with redneck culture so intriguing is that it has demonized these folks for years.
Mrs Palin is the kind of female politician that only a certain kind of redneck, red-state, red-meat guy could vote for.
Tabloid queen and sometime pop singer Simpson starred in the redneck roadrunning comedy The Dukes of Hazzard, made in the Bayou State in 2005.
In particular, the Ferlo is home to emblematic species like the redneck ostrich, the red fronted gazelle and the endangered African blackwood (Dalbergia melanoxylon).
Still, the team has never lost sight of the fabulous fresh ingredients closer to home, on the stretch of beach known as the Redneck Riviera.
Mr. Foxworthy has singlehandedly elevated the term Redneck from an insult to a point of pride among many people simply by helping his audiences define the term.
" But now that line might more accurately be revised to, "You may be a redneck if your goal is to have a hit reality TV show.
With events like redneck horseshoes (tossing toilet seat covers), watermelon seed spitting and an armpit serenade, the games celebrate all the stereotypes that have surrounded rural Southerners over the years.
There are obviously some redneck, old-boy types down there, but there are a lot of very thoughtful, rational people in the membership and they feel as strongly as I do.
"I've looked at golfing singles, redneck singles, " he confides.
Goddard winks at horror's soiled conventions, but doesn't denigrate his characters by resorting to camp (well, except perhaps in the scary fundamentalist redneck the kids encounter when they try to buy gas).
With more than 250 teams from as far as New York and Chicago competing, plus tens of thousands of visitors, this culinary cook-off gets attention from folks as diverse as redneck party animals to celebrity chefs (like Tom Colicchio and Danny Meyer).
And it doesn't take much longer than that to track the way class warfare waxes and wanes in the press and the online discussion groups according to the political climate, or to determine whether conservative or liberal writers are more likely to use the word redneck.
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Mr. COLEMAN: Yeah, a black man basically with a redneck attitude, kind of a cowboyish kind of guy, you know, kind of out there, fun-loving but, you know, not so out there that, you know, people think, you know, you're a menace or anything like that.
It moved through hoods, beanies and "Cat in the Hat" hats on to baseball caps first turned sideways and then with a flat brim (the polar opposite of the redneck and preppy artfully turned trend) and the current reinvented trend for "the bucket, " preferably from Louis Vuitton or Ralph Lauren.
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