The approved measures established a nonpartisan commission to redraw legislative maps based on the 2010 census.
It will be sent out urgently to vice-chancellors by e-mail to enable them to redraw their budgets.
Ever more accurate voting technology seems to be spurring on legislatures to redraw districts ever more often.
As global warming starts to redraw the physical map, so our experiences of it are irreversibly altered.
Recently, Cardiff council decided to redraw the lines in the road at a junction on my way to work.
As the family struggles to adjust to this new configuration, its members redraw their relationships and remake their roles.
That ruling had the effect of forcing state officials to redraw several districts in addition to the 23rd district.
The culture war stems from a bid, by the Labor government defeated in 1996, to redraw Australia's national identity.
Until recently only political parties had the manpower and the tools to redraw boundaries while keeping districts equal in population.
If digital can solve that it will redraw the whole basic deal.
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The UK government is consulting on a proposals to redraw Welsh assembly constituencies to reflect plans to cut the number of Parliamentary constituencies.
BBC: Welsh assembly voting: Carwyn Jones meets David Cameron
Among other things, this would reduce the size of the House of Commons from 650 to 600 seats and redraw the parliamentary boundaries.
The leaders of the three communities have held secret talks on ways to redraw the map, but they have not got close to agreement.
That, in turn, will hurt the party next year, when the states redraw congressional districts, and beyond, as successful state-level candidates go on to greater things.
ECONOMIST: The only question is just how bad it will be for the Democrats
Lib Dem leader Nick Clegg - whose MPs are mostly pro-European - has warned against using the current crisis to fundamentally redraw the UK's relationship with Europe.
One day, several years off, a grand conference of interested parties may be able to redraw the map of the Balkans with the consent of its people.
Next summer, using the new census numbers, the 14 commissioners will redraw the state's electoral boundaries to make districts more geographically coherent and ethnically and politically diverse.
The plan to redraw constituencies and shrink MP numbers is part of a pair of electoral changes that the government will put to Parliament on September 6th.
This year, who's elected governor could also decide which party controls the House of Representatives for the next decade, because every 10 years, the states redraw House district lines.
For example, if there is a player from Asia in Group C and the third player drawn for Group C is also from Asia, there will be a redraw.
The climbdown over Lords reform has thrown into doubt its plans to reduce the size of the Commons from 650 to 600 and redraw constituency boundaries to make them roughly the same size.
BBC: David Cameron to press ahead with boundary changes plans
Though the south's vote for independence will raise the hopes of separatists elsewhere in Africa, the continent's leaders - and the West - have resisted efforts to redraw boundaries, fearing the potential for large-scale conflict.
Ads are way more intrusive in the digital magazines because page turns are often slow and cumbersome and you have to zoom in and out to see the content smoothly enough which often also involves a too-slow redraw.
And with that, Republicans had control of the House, the Senate and the Governor's Mansion, and so Tom DeLay and his Republican colleagues in the capital in Austin embarked on this mid-decade redistricting effort to redraw Texas' congressional lines.
This could be just the beginning, says Mr Aspesi: after the election next year a new centre-left government may seek to redraw Italy's media landscape, redirecting ad money away from television and towards newspapers and other media to boost plurality.