• So, for parents, it's important to keep in mind visibility, which means using reflective tape or a reflective costume, and supervising carefully.

    CNN: Kate Kelly: Halloween safety

  • Her family was not used to her being on a motor bike, and the 51-year-old says they were so worried about her safety they made her wear a mesh lime green vest and reflective tape when she scoots back and forth to work.

    NPR: Brisk Scooter Sales Tied to High Gas Prices

  • The band takes an idiosyncratic approach to music-making: It purchased an abandoned church as studio space, it's traveled to Budapest to record with large-scale choirs and orchestras, and it often incorporates a jumble of reflective tape, neon signs, megaphones and motorcycle helmets in its live concerts.

    NPR: The Arcade Fire: Growing Up, Getting Better

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