• An officer from the Turkish Birth Registry office also attended court and confirmed that Recep Cetin's legally accepted age was 22, not 17 as he had previously claimed.

    BBC: Father and son 'near scene of killings' in Turkey

  • The record of the partnership is also an official public document kept by the General Registry Office in England and Wales (and its equivalents in Scotland and Northern Ireland).

    BBC: Germany introduced similar equality legislation in 2001

  • Michelle Lewis and Matthew Edwards, from Merthyr Tydfil, tied the knot at the town's registry office before heading off to their reception at the Castle Hotel which included a big screen to watch the game.

    BBC: Welsh joy over Grand Slam victory

  • Open Data campaigners claim that ministers are keener than they should be to listen to managers at the Ordnance Survey, the Land Registry and the Met Office who want to charge for their data rather than make it free.

    BBC: Midata: Will the public share government's enthusiasm?

  • It also says the school should have a full-time office to help students living off-campus and a registry for landlords offering off-campus housing.

    WSJ: Hofstra petition seeks better off-campus security

  • With the overwhelming presence of the Windows platforms taking off, O'Reilly has added new titles such as The Whole Internet for Windows 95, Inside The Windows Registry and just recently a series of "Windows Annoyances" (ie Windows Annoyances, Office Annoyances, Word Annoyances) plus a complement to its UNIX series of NT books focusing on security and administration.

    FORBES: Dummy books are for dummies

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