Moreover, insider trading laws imbalance markets by effectively regulating only one-half of the trading equation.
We have already learned a lot from regulating other substances, such as alcohol and tobacco.
The second is the pending reauthorization of the Magnuson-Stevens Act regulating fishing practices in U.S. waters.
After the cold war ended, though, this self-regulating and rather self-important culture has come under scrutiny.
ECONOMIST: Why can't researchers at Los Alamos keep a secret?
What are they thinking when the undertake the monumental task of regulating Wall Street.
FORBES: FINRA CEO Ketchum's Speech And The Shortcomings Of Self Regulation
In fact, states have been heavily involved in regulating small group health insurance for decades.
Regulating the export of defense items is a national security issue, the spokesperson said.
To be sure, it is possible for regulators to go too far in regulating implants.
The EPA and automakers argue the EPA is charged only with regulating poisonous stuff.
Fannie and Freddie by both regulating and subsidizing home ownership effectively did both these things.
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In other words, instead of regulating the sediment directly, EPA decided that water was a pollutant.
FORBES: The EPA's Lisa Jackson: The Worst Head of the Worst Regulatory Agency, Ever
As consumer-watchdog-in-chief, she is tasked with regulating banks, mortgage companies and other financial institutions.
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Correspondents say some people have called into question Pakistan's system of regulating air safety.
The state has much to do, from improving education and welfare to re-regulating finance.
In many people with the condition this is related to difficulties in regulating mood and anxiety.
BBC: Deep brain stimulation 'helps in severe anorexia nervosa'
But focusing directly on rewarding authors rather than regulating copying suggests a more productive approach.
It turns out gamma secretase plays a role in regulating cell growth in the intestines.
And it would also bar the Federal Communications Commission from regulating prices of interactive computer services.
The investigations centre on whether Mr Quackenbush was too generous to donors he was regulating.
This is not to say there is no public policy role in regulating labor markets.
Government has a role in regulating, but its role shouldn't include picking the winners and losers.
The FTC is trying to decide how the government should be regulating this.
We can only do it by reducing spending, de-regulating industry, and implementing serious pro-growth policies.
FORBES: The Budget Sequester Explained, And What It Means For you
What does he think of the state of the debate about regulating the banks?
Finals provide history, but heats offer the entertaining sight of Bolt regulating his Bolt-ness.
Research suggests sleep deprivation interferes with hunger and satiety hormones crucial to regulating appetite.
Now that voluntarism in Japan is suddenly on the increase, the government cannot resist regulating it.
The commission is responsible for regulating the Bailiwick's finance sector on behalf of the States.
As the brain is squeezed it compresses vital regions regulating functions such as breathing.
The MSRB is a self-regulating organization (yes, a bureaucracy) in charge of municipal securities.
FORBES: Finally, An Easy Way To Get Timely Municipal Bond Data