It should also help illuminate new national security-related riskfactors particularly in the post-September 11 era that need to be incorporated into the "due diligence" risk assessments of investment banks, fund managers and other market players.
It should also help illuminate new national security-related riskfactors -- particularly in the post-September 11 era -- that need to be incorporated into the "due diligence" risk assessments of investment banks, fund managers and other market players.
Richard Shelby -- one of the Senate's most knowledgeable members on intelligence and national security matters bearing on the present global conflict -- ascends to the chairmanship of the Senate Banking Committee, he will surely play a pivotal role in ensuring that Mr. Pitt's successor works to protect U.S. investors not only from corporate financial improprieties, but also from security-related material riskfactors.
Even when accounting for other relatedfactors such as demographics and risk-taking behaviors, the correlation between televised sexual content and teen pregnancy persisted, she said.