That meant the movers had to remove all the chimneys down to the roof peak.
Pickers have to tie their hair back, wash their hands continually, remove all earrings and piercings.
To make a clone, scientists first take an egg and remove all of its genetic material.
The poll suggests that Americans believe that the president-elect will remove all combat troops from Iraq.
Congress's interpretation of this popular mandate was to remove all 31 judges on the court.
Telecommuting doesn't remove all those overheads at a stroke, but it can easily halve them.
The army also maintains that only incineration can remove all the toxins from their metal casings.
Remove all caps on damages and have corporate officials criminally liable for damages caused by their corporations.
"I had to remove all the dust and scratches that had accumulated over that time, " he said.
That's because it's pretty much impossible for even the best surgeon to remove all breast tissue from a woman.
Just be sure to remove all the hard parts, such as wings and legs, before you use the adults.
Smartphone app EpicMix (available on both iPhone and Android) aims to remove all doubt in a decidedly 21st-century way.
"You are required to immediately remove all property, including tents, sleeping bags and tarps, from Zuccotti Park, " the note said.
The high court ordered Tata Motors to remove all equipment from the factory at Singur, near Calcutta, within two months.
You load your image of choice into the app, which will then remove all color from it, giving you a grayscale photo canvas.
The outcry grew exponentially after the hospital confirmed Saldanha's death, leading the Coles supermarket chain to remove all its advertising from 2DayFM.
On Saturday morning, upon the discovery of an additional card, we requested Google remove all snippets and cached pages related to Blippy.
FORBES: Blippy Apologizes For Google-Searchable Credit Cards, Announces New Security Plan
We can remove all racial tags and ask ourselves some critical questions.
CNN: Commentary: 'Jena 6' rally was about equal justice, not race
The alternative would be to remove all the planking which would simplify the electrolysis but be a real test for Chris Bailey's structural model.
Once the burn has cooled, health care professionals will clean the wound and remove all nonhealthy tissue in a process called debridement, Grossman said.
They say despite a court order last year to remove all unauthorised structures from Cox's Bazar beach, hundreds of buildings and shops still remain.
Remove all but 1 tablespoon of fat from the pot, lower the heat under the pot to medium, and toss in the vegetables and herbs.
The Bush Tax Cuts should be continued until we reform our entire income tax system to remove all preferences and loopholes in return for lower tax rates.
Jersey politicians were given some advice on Thursday - it is better to keep quiet and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.
BBC: Jersey politicians spend a day talking about themselves
And besides, they say, the water from the Colorado River -- the city's main supply -- already has to be treated to remove all types of pollution.
Earlier in 2012, CNN polling indicated that only 25% of Americans favored the war, and 55% said the United States should remove all of its troops before 2014.
Google responded by threatening to remove all French news sites from its index, which would presumably eliminate the 4 billion clicks it sends to those sites every year.
FORBES: The French Don't Seem To Understand This Economics Of Google Thing Really, Do They?
Colonoscopy requires an inconvenient bowel prep to remove all stool.
The landlord's attorney, Victor Sulzer, said Holmes' representatives have one week to respond to the filing or else sheriff's deputies will be permitted to remove all of the belongings.