She doesn't have a political base, Bill Clinton is showing renewed interest in Haiti (not good), and powerful local interests want her out.
It has to be renewed each year as part of the bill that funds the interior department.
The case has renewed talk around Orange that Homer and Bill were actually the product of an illicit affair between Ruby and either Lutcher Stark or his dad, W.T.
That ominous trend was underscored last week when protectionist lawmakers easily denied President Bill Clinton's request for renewed "fast-track" authority to negotiate trade deals.
The last highway bill expired in 2008 and was never renewed, making it impossible to have long term planning under those conditions.
Sure, the home improvement credit still might be renewed for 2008 in a "tax extenders" bill this month or some time during 2008.
Even were the Senate to summon 60 votes (unlikely), and even were Mr. Boehner to risk the renewed wrath of his caucus by moving such a bill (crazy unlikely), any legislation would fall to members such as Virginia's Bob Goodlatte (who runs the Judiciary Committee) and Pete Sessions (who runs the Rules Committee).
The renewed clamoring to rush through Congress a European-style climate bill before the international climate talks convene in Denmark in December has at least temporarily shoved aside debate over whether alternative carbon control strategies, such as a carbon tax, might be a better choice both economically and environmentally.
Shortly after the former refused to do so, his contract with the Joint Chiefs of Staff was not renewed because, as one unnamed officer told the Washington Times' Bill Gertz, it had "gotten too hot" to keep Mr. Coughlin on the job.
This past week, amid intensifying pressure from the bill's supporters and her Democratic rivals, Ms. Quinn began renewed negotiations.
The GAO speculates that the dollar coin might cause a renewed interest in that black sheep of the currency family, the two-dollar bill (which features Thomas Jefferson).
Supporters mounted a renewed push this year, and the Senate vote was seen as the critical test after the House easily passed the bill.
Today, however, the peace process's ominous consequences -- brought about by faulty assumptions, the pressure of successive artificial deadlines, Bill Clinton's narcissistic pursuit of a legacy, and Ehud Barak's desperate bid for a renewed mandate -- are evident to any remotely objective observer.