The days of waiting for the repairman to arrive between noon and 3 p.m.
Verizon also makes it easier for customers to deal with problems themselves without calling a repairman.
Larry Swartz, a 72-year-old retired tool-and-die machine repairman, had severe PAD, known as critical limb ischemia.
Months later, after a water pump burned out, a repairman highlighted the login from the Russian IP address.
"Just doing parades and making a fool of yourself, " recalls John Clark, 70, a Caveman and retired mobile-home repairman.
WSJ: As Oregon Town Evolves, Caveman Heads the Way of the Dodo
This Dostoyevsky-like thriller set in London deftly delineates the ugly descent of Mix Cellini from fitness equipment repairman to murderer.
"How to Live Safely in a Science Fictional Universe" features a down-on-his-luck time machine repairman, living in Minor Universe 31.
Using a mobile device like an Apple iPad, a kitchen appliance repairman can anticipate and manage his daily work assignments.
Dupont, 59, a retired computer repairman, decided six years ago it was time to make his dream of medieval domesticity come true.
The repairman could be coming up from the larger city, which would mean it could take days till your TV is fixed.
Tomorrow on TALK OF THE NATION, whatever happened to calling the repairman?
Julian was a thin man of sixty-three, balding, a typewriter repairman who worked out of his spare bedroom and kept to himself.
It took an unemployed Philadelphia radiator repairman to make it popular.
Partner Hugh McFarland, a guitar repairman, designed a model that borrowed elements from classic basses--and drew a cease-and-desist order from Fender Musical Instruments for trademark infringement.
Before you report to the various bodies that can sanction me, I should probably mention that Repairman Jack is a fictional character, the creation of F.
An uncle of the 5-year-old, a bicycle repairman, says that after his brother and sister-in-law registered a complaint that their daughter was missing, local police didn't do much.
Lets say the repairman cannot fix the TV in your home, how long would it take to get fixed if they have to send it to a service center?
Already it had been compared with the mustache of a sea captain, or a Brooklyn bartender, or that of a cable repairman who wasn't really there to fix the cable.
Working in the cold on East Hollis Street, 35-year-old utility repairman Dave Sanderson of Merrimack says he never even bothered to register when he moved from Massachusetts three years ago.
Train your staff never to give out their passwords over the phone, verify the identity of every building inspector and repairman that crosses the transom and run the trash through a shredder.
If the manufacturer can determine what's wrong without having to send a repairman, he says, they can eliminate most service calls and make the few trips they do have to make more efficient.
Jack is basically a repairman.
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DeGeorge told officials he suspected the explosion was caused either by "hit men" working for the opposite side in a hotly disputed case he was litigating--a "suspicious-looking fishing boat" had circled his yacht, he said--or by the negligence of a repairman who left flammable material near a stove.