The good news is that the euro zone has woken up from the lie that Greece could one day repay its debts.
Accel was able to repay the entire capital base of one fund just by selling a sliver of its Facebook stake to Andreessen Horowitz and others last year.
Regulators worry that letting one or two strong banks repay risks turning the weak into targets and takes lending capacity out of the system.
In the case of the forest project, China can take up to 40 years to repay the loan, at less than one percent interest per year.
One commercial which would certainly repay greater showing (and in fact has also been shown again over Christmas) was Virgin Trains' epic journey which seamlessly puts the stars of great rail-related films into the frame with one of the company's new Pendolino trains.
Additionally, despite the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) requiring that a state indicate it is able to repay its CO-OP loan, one estimate indicates that as many as 40 percent of CO-OPs will default on the planning loans and 35 percent will default on the solvency loans.
In the latest example, one upheld a developer's refusal to repay loans used to construct two high-rise office buildings in Jakarta.
Greece does not have to repay much debt until December, giving the troika a one-off opportunity to enforce compliance with structural reforms.
Having only joined City in January, becoming Roberto Mancini's first signing in the process, Vieira indicated he is keen to repay the faith the management displayed in recently offering him a one-year contract extension.
America may be the world's strongest borrower, thanks to its size, wealth, legal and political stability, and two centuries of timely debt repayment (the one exception being its abrogation in 1933 of a promise to repay some bondholders in gold).
ECONOMIST: America��s debt crisis will be chronic, not acute
To state the bloomin' obvious, when a bank can't borrow from anywhere, even from the central bank, to repay its own debts as they fall due, well that's what causes panic and bank runs - because no one would leave their money in a bank that can't repay its debts.
That expense is one reason firms like JPMorgan Chase and Goldman Sachs were so eager to repay the TARP investment.
One was that it was clear that there was never any intention to repay subsidiaries that were net lenders in the system.
FORBES: Sysco Journal Entries Not Respected by Massachusetts Tax Board
With no prospect of credit to enable them to stay in business, and no one prepared to accept their letters of credit, many companies have nothing to repay their loans with.
Americans who are evacuated with State Department help are required to repay Uncle Sam for the lift, which is generally priced at the cost of a one-way commercial flight from Cairo.
Dutch financial services company ING Group said it will sell its entire stake in Capital One in a deal that will further boost its capital ratios as it seeks to repay a government bailout.
One of the arguments against taking a loan from your retirement plan is that the amount you repay in interest will be double taxed.