History is replete with examples of people hyping new, cheap, plentiful and clean alternative fuels.
These kinds of stories will knot your stomach, and Firing Back is replete with them.
What hath this wrought, but a less hardy populace replete with severe budget problems?
FORBES: Congress's Policies Steal Our Freedoms While Rewarding Irresponsibility
New York) and lavish interiors (including the Smoking Room replete with dandys in full Monopoly regalia!
FORBES: Clive Palmer's Titanic II Is Something New, A Reenactment Of The 20th Century
Black history is replete with individuals who made it clear that life wasn't all about sports.
This was partly because the participants' list was replete with flinty-eyed generals and senior intelligence types.
In a market replete with growth companies, Rubin reasons there are equal amounts of stalled stocks.
FORBES: Why Investors Need A Diary To Track Stupid Mistakes And Brillant Moves
The entire banking system so apparently replete with geniuses couldn't foresee the system unraveling.
The history of media is replete with new technologies stealing the content of the ones they supplant.
The hotel's main building boasts a 6, 500-square-foot white marble lobby, replete with burbling fountain and crystal chandeliers.
We are thus richer because we have energy and we have happy old folk replete with tea.
The production company converted three warehouses in Chelsea into The McKittrick Hotel, replete with a functioning bar.
FORBES: 'Sleep No More': Theater for Voyeurs and Reality TV Addicts
Investor confidence then grows if those companies can present a clear value strategy replete with metrics and benchmarks.
FORBES: Shareholder Activism: This Specter Won't Stop Haunting the Marketplace
The network's history is replete with budget cuts and reorganisations which more than once threatened its very existence.
Living there had been an ordeal, as an environment once harmonious had become replete with attacks and funerals.
It looks like any other working-class enclave, replete with 99-cent stores and barbershops.
Low fat labels on food proliferated and guilt reigned on those who persisted in eating meals replete with fat.
FORBES: ?Ol��! How the New Spanish Study Should Change Your Diet
This issue is especially replete with ways to make money or preserve wealth.
Will those autonomous spaces be preserved in a world replete with smart technologies?
This latest edition tabulates more than 100, 000 living people, most (but by no means all) Britons, replete with index.
O'Hara's performance is replete with delicate expressions and perfectly-timed gestures, as Cathy firmly tries to maintain a plucky, cheerful demeanor.
Indeed, the history of American commerce is replete with visionaries who couldn't turn their prodigious creations into commensurate bank accounts.
While this sounds like it should be an effective strategy for jump-starting the economy, the idea is replete with problems.
VirtualBox's competitors are also replete with clever integration features like replicating documents and folders across both physical and virtual machines.
The reader does not rise from his table happy and replete so much as stand up suddenly, pale and reeling.
The Illustrated London News presented him replete with a tall, round Puritan hat, his flamboyance signalled by an ostrich feather.
She offers a snapshot of American politics replete with worsening fiscal woes afflicting many state and municipal jurisdictions across the country.
FORBES: Buckeye State Collective Bargaining Battle Could Be National Bellwether
The rerouted pipeline is replete with high-tech leak-detection systems as well, and it was recently green-lighted by Nebraska governor Dave Heineman.
FORBES: Mother Nature to Keystone Pipeline Protesters: Chill Out!
It is an economically vibrant city replete with a medical school, a hockey rink, and most importantly a robust military establishment.
FORBES: Did the Pakistani Military Know Where Osama bin Laden Was Hiding?