The inquiry also ruled that director Trefor Jones had lost his good repute as a director and as a transport manager, and David Hughes has lost his good repute as a transport manager.
It was under Thomas, himself a boxer of some repute, that Winstone learnt his trade.
First of all, no independent scientist of repute made broad claims for the safety of MTBE.
Another time, another place, another cricket writer of repute and Dravid's skills are again put into perspective.
How quaint that he ended up not just in business but in a business of singularly ill repute.
Mrs Ciller was an American-educated academic of no more than moderate repute when she started her political rise.
The behavior of the House Republican leadership demonstrates why the Congress is held in such ill repute by the public.
FORBES: It's Time for Congress To Vote On The Illegal War In Libya
Khomeini, after all, was a theologian of repute, indeed an Object of Emulation, the highest rank for a Shia cleric.
But those who speculate in securities and have become uncommonly rich doing so are no longer held in such great repute.
That is fine as a sentiment, but presumably any employer of repute already knows that as a simple matter of self-interest.
FORBES: If Pope Francis Despises Poverty, He Must Learn To Love Profits
In America, Johns Hopkins is not merely a highly rated university based in Baltimore, but its medical arm also runs a hospital of high repute.
ECONOMIST: Five simple rules for running a first-class hospital
The compiled Hadith of these companions did not survive in their original creations but were passed down and collected by numerous Hadith collectors of varying quality and repute.
ECONOMIST: New efforts to bring publicly owned paintings to light
If I were a designer of any repute or had a spec of design skill, I would make an illustration that depicted a brand sitting in a chair in a bedroom reading a story to a consumer, who lied anxiously under the covers waiting to be regaled about stories of adventure, escapades and perhaps a coupon or two.