For me writing an e-mail often takes quite a bit longer than a phone call because I must craft it much more carefully, people often read and reread e-mails multiple times.
In fact, while several prosecutors appeared confident after the Park testimony was called for by the jury, they told CNN they were surprised they stopped short of asking that the portion be reread that describes a six-foot 200 pound figure walking across Simpson's driveway that night.
Somehow, despite all the hoopla and hand-wringing, most people (reread that again please because while I know some of you with small minute buckets are getting a big rate increase from Verizon, I also know a lot of us on family plans are getting a rate decrease) are going to pay more or less the same.
That's because the value of the back-end tax reward compounds just as fast as the money in the savings account. (Reread the fourth paragraph in the introduction.) Barry R.