It has done so by converting some of the stockpile into fuel plates to power Tehran's research reactor.
Iran's government has said it needs the purer form of enriched uranium to fuel its research reactor in Tehran.
Iran also reported this month that it had begun installing domestically made nuclear fuel rods into the Tehran research reactor.
It was also now fuelling the Tehran Research Reactor used to make medical isotopes with its own domestically produced uranium enriched to 20%.
Iran has done so by converting some of that stockpile into fuel plates to power Tehran's research reactor, the IAEA has said.
In return, the countries offered to supply Tehran with fuel for its medical research reactor, which requires 20% uranium, and to ease sanctions.
State TV said Iran would prefer to buy uranium for its research reactor, rather than send its own stock abroad for enrichment, as proposed.
The organ was placed in a Teflon bag that neutrons can pass through and taken to a research reactor nearby, where it was irradiated with neutrons.
And the proposal does not address in any form the increased enrichment that Iran said it was undertaking in order to provide material for their research reactor.
Under the proposal, Iran would get the fuel it needs for its research reactor in Tehran, but this would not be sufficiently enriched to make a bomb.
They have to essentially agree to their previous agreement on the research reactor, and I think the world is watching and waiting for their conclusive decisions on that.
It could also be possible to provide similarly enriched fuel, perhaps from France, for the Tehran Research Reactor (TRR) and LEU targets for producing medical isotopes in the reactor.
The Iranian government says it requires 20% enriched uranium for its medical research reactor in Tehran, but Western experts say it could be converted to weapons-grade material within six months.
Iran says its small research reactor in Tehran, originally supplied by America in the friendlier 1960s, needs new fuel to keep it in operation for the production of medical isotopes.
According to news reports of the accord, the US agreed to send American personnel to Iran to upgrade a research reactor in Teheran that was provided to the Shah in the 1960s.
Enter web-comic celebrity Randall Munroe (of xkcd), and his friend Ellen, Senior Reactor Operator at the Reed Research Reactor, who have put together some charts which might help us make sense of all this radiation talk.
The idea was for Iran to ship 1, 200kg of its low-enriched uranium overseas to produce fuel for a research reactor, thus leaving the country for a while with too small a stockpile with which to make a bomb.
It quoted a member of Iran's negotiating team as saying: "Iran is interested in buying fuel for the Tehran research reactor within the framework of a clear proposal... we are waiting for the other party's constructive and trust-building response".
Rather than sit down with the six, it may be hoping to revive talks about a separate proposal for Russia, France, America and the IAEA to help it find replacement 20%-enriched fuel for a research reactor in Tehran that supplies medical isotopes.
The other is an agreement on a proposal to take Iran's stockpile of low-enriched uranium (LEU) and send it to Russia and France for conversion into fuel rods for use in Iran's small research reactor in Tehran, which produces isotopes for cancer treatment.
's nuclear watchdog, the International Atomic Energy Agency, said in late December that Tehran had amassed 232 kilograms of uranium enriched to the 20% level but that almost 100 kilograms of that amount is being converted into fuel plates to power Tehran's research reactor.
Speaking before the vote, the representatives of Brazil and Turkey said they had voted against the text because it ran against their efforts to bring about a negotiated solution through the agreement on the Tehran Research Reactor and the related Tehran Declaration of 17 May, which provided a new opportunity for diplomacy.
The Islamic Republic turned down a deal put together last year by America, Russia, France and the IAEA that would have bought time for talks by taking much of Iran's low-enriched (3.5%) uranium out of the country, returning it later as higher-enriched (about 20%) rods to provide new fuel for a small Tehran-based research reactor.
David Sanderson, a physicist at the Scottish universities' research and reactor centre, says that while this would need heavy investment (and a lot of workers), plutonium can be mixed with waste and vitrified into storable glass blocks, so making it unusable in bombs if any terrorists managed to steal some.
The United States and other leading nations have been negotiating with Iran to send low-enriched uranium abroad to be turned into material for use in medical research and treatment at a reactor in Tehran.
West Germany, for example, abandoned its pebble-bed research programme after problems with a demonstration reactor.
ECONOMIST: Prospects for a new type of nuclear reactor look mixed
His research suggests that half of those who fought the reactor meltdowns are suffering from depression and post-traumatic stress symptoms.
It later submitted another analysis showing the reactor could run at 100 percent power, but the research found the risk of a tube break could reach unacceptable levels after 11 months.