In addition, no parents or nonuniversity residents will be allowed in residence halls.
The university, which generally forbids alcohol on campus, has anti-alcohol-abuse efforts, including unannounced checks of common areas in residence halls.
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This off-campus building boom is forcing schools to up their game, though slashed budgets have left minimal funds to erect new residence halls.
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Controlling for climate, researchers figured out baselines for various building types (such as residence halls or laboratories) throughout the UC and California State University systems.
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The public database lists two different addresses for a Michael Adebolajo at two separate student residence halls at the University of Greenwich, in southeast London, dating back to 2004 and 2005.
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Student halls of residence, airports and hotels were among the other worst offenders.
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She contacted police, who traced Wooles via his IP address - the unique numeric label attached to his computer - and arrested him at his halls of residence in Leeds.
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Finally, in some places, such as Sunderland, the availability of private rented accommodation for families has jumped as recently created universities have built flats and halls of residence for their students.
All the tournament's teams are staying at University of Surrey's sports halls of residence at their sports park in Guildford and we've divided up our block into four families with six or seven team members to each floor.
BBC: Catrina Nicholas column