One can resign at a peaceful moment or when one simply cannot go on.
The BBC Tehran correspondent, Jim Muir, said this had brought some calls for Mr Khatami to resign and that one of the main reformist newspapers used its front-page headline simply to ask him why he was not attending.
The Israeli prime minister may have to resign if either he or one of his sons is charged.
In the weeks since Gonzales announced his intention to resign, the White House floated one name after another as possible replacements for the attorney general.
Controversy over the Liberty Fund was one reason Healy decided to resign at year's end.
My view is that they are trying to persuade her by one means or another to resign.
However, six ministers voted against him and one announced his intention to resign.
Meanwhile, Italian iReporter Martina Lunardelli says she was shocked by the pope's decision to resign but feels it was the right one to make.
Pat Kavanagh, for instance, a leading agent and one of the first to resign, is married to Mr Barnes and also looks after Ms Rendell's books.
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Bishop Moriarty was one of several Irish bishops to resign after the Church was criticised over its handling of abuse cases.
He has been out of one since he felt obliged to resign after four months as boss of Mr Yeltsin's security council in 1996.
Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, had been the only one, but was forced to resign her post when she decided to run as a write-in candidate after losing her GOP primary.
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Now she had to ask one of her steering committee members to resign this week.
McCaw did rather abruptly resign from the Clearwire Board at year end so one can conjecture that maybe he is facing a similar crisis now and that is why he left the Board when he did in the way that he did.
Even if Benedict didn't resign because of any specific crisis, including this latest one, such anguish must have taken its toll.
May also saw the commentator Glenn Mitchell resign from the ABC, thus depriving cricket fans of one of the great voices of the southern summer.
And Idaho's Larry Craig is still deciding whether to resign over a bizarre incident in an airport lavatory (one wag says that he is seeking advice from his wife and the man in stall number three).
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Both John McCain and Barack Obama depend on veteran Washington insiders, and one of those insiders has just been forced to resign.
Moreover, Mr Swartz testified that Mr Kozlowski offered to resign after the board learned about another controversial payment (this one to a Tyco director), but that the board declined his offer.
The solution, one Republican state senator helpfully averred, was for the governor to resign.
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Greater freedom is also what inspired Vanessa Fox to resign from her position at Google, where she helped build Webmaster Central, one of the company's most successful projects.
Some Republicans are privately making the case that if Rumsfeld is to keep his job, then one of his senior deputies -- possibly Cambone -- should resign for encouraging the use of military police officers to help military intelligence units at the Abu Ghraib prison.
He famously responded, "I'm just hoping the coach doesn't dismiss me, " a one-liner he came to regret when Tressel was later forced to resign.
Mr Mahuad, who asked his entire cabinet to resign on January 9th, may well co-opt some opposition sympathisers to the new one.
His one-time friend and now political enemy Gianfranco Fini called on him to resign at the weekend, saying "the government must understand that it is not credible, even if it wins in parliament by a vote, because with a majority of one vote you can survive but you can't govern".
He also endured a boardroom battle in 1996 that caused him to abruptly resign, only to return the same month, an incident later linked to a dispute with one director.
One director told the court Weiss had threatened to sue if the directors wouldn't resign.
At one point, he says, almost the entire hierarchy of the department was prepared to resign if Goldsmith's legal opinion was ignored.
The chairman of Ferrari - one of Italy's most prominent businessmen - has urged Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi to resign so that the country can deal with its debt crisis.
Benedict is the first pope to resign in nearly 600 years, and the decision has placed the Vatican in uncharted waters: No one knows what he'll be called or even what he'll wear after Feb. 28.