Minority Leader Trent Lott, R-Mississippi, said he wants the Senate to vote on a resolution of force soon.
Friday, Bush turned up the heat on Democrats, lashing out at the suggestion that Congress ought to wait for the United Nations to act before approving a resolution of force against Iraq.
But a resolution endorsing the use of force would almost certainly run into a veto.
The United States introduced a resolution asking the United Nations to approve the creation of a multinational force in Iraq.
Later at the United Nations, Russia introduced a resolution to ban NATO air strikes and force a demilitarization of safe zones in Bosnia.
Austria bans the transit of US troops and equipment across its territory from Germany to Italy without a second UN resolution authorising the use of force against Iraq.
Congressional leaders said in mid-September they are eyeing a pre-election vote on a resolution authorizing the use of force against Saddam Hussein, which would guarantee that Iraq, and the larger war on terrorism, remain a dominant issue throughout the fall.
Furthermore, in a bid to maintain faith with the UN Security Council resolution permitting the use of force in Libya to protect civilians, Obama has refused to articulate a clear goal for the US military involvement in Libya.
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Biden said that despite all the talk of Congress passing a resolution authorizing Bush to use force, he does not believe it will happen because he predicted that Bush will likely move forward diplomatically with the United Nations rather than seek immediate military action.
Indeed, just before the war, in an effort to scuttle US-British efforts to convince the UN Security Council to pass a new resolution approving the use of force against Saddam Hussein's regime, ElBaradei reported to the Security Council that Iraq had abandoned its nuclear weapons program.
Security Council approved a resolution Friday to authorize a multinational force to go into Liberia, by a vote of 12-0.
She repeated this tendency to tilt toward the assertion of military force by voting in favor of the highly controversial resolution designating the Iranian Revolutionary Guard a terrorist organization.
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The rebels were soon backed by NATO airstrikes, launched in March under a Security Council resolution authorizing the use of force to protect civilians from reprisals.
Evan Bayh, D-Indiana, said believes Iraq is a real threat, but added that the White House has more convincing to do on Capitol Hill and to the American people before asking Congress to approve a use-of-force resolution against Iraq.
Although it's worth noting that parliament is supposed, eventually, to pass a resolution approving that state of emergency for it remain in force beyond two months.
At the UN, Russia and the US are locked in frantic discussions about a tough new resolution to force Mr Hussein surrender weapons of mass destruction.
The resolution conferred a measure of symbolic sovereignty on the Iraqi Governing Council, authorised a multinational force to patrol Iraq and gave the council until December 15th to publish a timetable for the transfer of power and the holding of elections.
Passionate and vocal, Wellstone was quick to debate his colleagues on a host of issues -- most recently the congressional resolution authorizing the use of force against Iraq, which Wellstone opposed.
They asked the Supreme Court to address Padilla's detention since it involves fundamental constitutional questions of how much authority was granted to the president in a post-September 11, 2001, congressional resolution authorizing the use of military force.
Security Counsel for the very purpose of trying to get a resolution passed quickly, so that we can get that U.N. force in place.
And so the President would surely reiterate the principles that he has consistently articulated on the need for a peaceful resolution, for a diplomatic process that is collaborative and consensual, on the rejection of threats or use of force or the use of coercion, the importance of freedom of navigation, and of course on the unimpeded lawful conduct.
Chen and Nordhous superimposed a grid on high-resolution, nighttime images of the globe taken by U.S. Air Force satellites.
He vetoed first an American resolution calling on both belligerents to withdraw and on other states to refrain from using or threatening force in the area, and then a Russian resolution which left out the second part of the exhortation.
There is a resolution (1838, passed in October) which authorises the use of "necessary means", meaning force if need be, to stop piracy in international waters.
As a permanent member of the UN Security Council, China could block efforts to pass another resolution authorising the use of force against Saddam Hussein's regime.
The President, as he did last year in Bali, will reinforce key principles: the need for peaceful resolution of disputes, unimpeded lawful commerce, freedom of navigation, and a rejection of the threat, or use of, force or economic coercion to settle disagreements.