Burning ethanol also releases large quantities of nitrogen oxide (smog) that causes respiratory disease.
Swine flu is a contagious respiratory disease that affects pigs and can jump to humans.
Swine flu is a respiratory disease of pigs caused by type A influenza, according to the CDC.
Its jobless rate could approach levels seen in 2003, during the outbreak of SARS, a respiratory disease.
The waitress has to take time off work because her son is suffering from a terrible respiratory disease.
The compensation relates to miners suffering conditions such as respiratory disease and vibration white finger from the 1970s onwards.
Strokes are the fourth biggest killer after cardiovascular conditions, cancers and respiratory disease.
BBC: Stroke campaign by pharmacists to cut number of victims
The CDC describes swine flu as a contagious respiratory disease that affects pigs.
CNN: Inaccurate 'swine' flu label hurts industry, pork producers say
Swine flu is a respiratory disease which is caused by a strain of the influenza type A virus known as H1N1.
Lamellar was founded in 2007 to develop a new class of therapies for the prevention, treatment and control of severe respiratory disease.
Swine influenza, or flu, is a contagious respiratory disease that affects pigs.
And the man who has to confront these challenges is a 76-year-old who has lived for decades with just one lung, having suffered a respiratory disease in his youth.
But in animals, scientists have seen a coronavirus switch from being a diarrheal disease to a respiratory disease as the virus becomes lodged in a different tissue and genetically evolves.
The report cites research showing one in three people who had lived in overcrowded housing at the age of seven suffered from a respiratory disease at the age of 33.
Liver disease, the fifth biggest cause of death in England and Wales behind heart disease, cancer, stroke and respiratory disease, comes in more than 100 forms but is most commonly associated with alcohol abuse, obesity and viral hepatitis.
BBC: Liver damage is 'silent killer' cirrhosis patient warns
The Cambodia Ministry of Health and the World Health Organization said in a joint statement Wednesday that the unknown respiratory disease also involved neurological symptoms, and that only one of 62 children admitted to hospitals with the illness survived.
So there is the risk of both respiratory and intestinal disease.
ECONOMIST: Many survivors of October's earthquake are still at risk
Enormous quantities of air pollution from burning forests led to a dramatic rise in the number of cases of eye irritation, respiratory illness and cardiovascular disease -- examples of the unexpected public health surprises which become more likely in a warming world.
Amanda Sandford, research manager for the organisation Action on Smoking and Health, said smoking tobacco causes a whole range of diseases such as heart disease, respiratory disorders and cancer, while using NRT as an aid to stopping has none of these risks.
"It causes severe muscle weakness, feeding and respiratory problems, and the disease is progressive, " the hospital said in a statement.
The more prevalent causes of death for male and female smokers were lung cancer and other respiratory diseases followed by heart disease, stroke, and vascular disease.
FORBES: The Smoking Gun: Women Catch Up To Men On Lung Cancer Risk
And like a cold, it attacks the respiratory system, the Centers for Disease Control have said.
CNN: Dangerous virus newly found in humans diagnosed in France
And like a cold, it attacks the respiratory system, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have said.
CNN: Dangerous virus newly found in humans diagnosed in France
And like a cold, NCoV infection attacks the respiratory system, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have said.
Novel coronavirus acts like a cold virus and attacks the respiratory system, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has said.
The novel coronavirus acts like a cold in attacking the respiratory system, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have said.
Conducting research in the areas of cardiovascular disease, central nervous system disorders, immunology and infectious disease, oncology, respiratory diseases and women's health, its best-selling products are Vytorin, Zetia, Remicade and Nasonex.
Men, who are 25% less likely to have visited a primary care physician in the past twelve months than women and are 40% more likely to skip regular cholesterol screenings, are 1.5 times more likely than women to die from heart disease, cancer and respiratory diseases.
FORBES: Why Do Men Die Earlier? (Hint: It's Not The Ladies' Fault)