The Darien, near the Colombian border, has long been a supply and rest area for guerrillas.
About 2.5 miles (4km) of cycle routes will be created, along with a rest area, tourist information and view points.
At the center of the plant is a rest area where black marble pools, bordered with fake coconut trees, reflect the glass ceiling.
The space next door -- which used to be a shop -- is now a rest area where volunteers give massages and chiropractic adjustments to weary workers.
It will also create a 3km cycleway and a new rest area at Garn Lydan with extended parking and viewpoints for the Brecon Beacons and the Valleys regional park.
BBC: Heads of the Valleys A465 Brynmawr-Tredegar to be dualled
Golombek revealed that the Pathfinder lander bounced more than 16 times on its cushion of air bags before coming to rest in the area called Ares Vallis.
In the village of Aramon, also in the Gard region, locals have accused the authorities of failing to give them adequate warning of the impending floods already affecting the rest of the area.
Sluggish growth in the rest of the euro area is something of a mixed blessing (see article).
Germany, along with much of the rest of the euro area, is grappling with problems that long predate the conflict in Iraq.
Italy has grown more slowly than the rest of the euro area not just recently but over the past ten years (see chart).
As in Ireland, prices in Spain fell faster in the year to October than in the rest of the euro area, a sign of improving competitiveness (see right-hand chart).
This suggests that it would be sensible to draw up contingency plans for how the rest of the euro area should best respond to a threatened or actual default.
For one, countries need a financial cushion if they fall out of sync with the rest of the euro area, much the way federal transfers provide a cushion for U.S. states.
In the case of Greece, the EU's commissioner for economic affairs, Olli Rehn, recently said "by the end of this year, all of the competitiveness loss experienced by Greece between 2001 and 2009, relative to the rest of the euro area, will have been recouped".
In 2010, British passengers accounted for 60% of arrivals and a further 28% were from the rest of the European Economic Area or Switzerland.
Musharraf is popular in Chitral because he directed development money there while in office and oversaw the completion of an important tunnel that connects the remote, mountainous area to the rest of the country.
San Francisco's Tru spa has taken a different approach and one that will likely inspire copycats: All "wet treatments" are performed in a private area separate from the rest of the spa.
It's the first time we're doing this brand new way of managing the police in this particular policing area and across the rest of UK. I for one believe entirely in it.
Leonhardt said it would be more practical to use solar power to help charge a car's battery and use the more efficient panels mounted on a roof or over a parking area to supply the rest of the electricity needed to drive the engine.
Bartenders get each drink started at the butcher block bar area, then do the rest at guests' tables for an up-close experience.
After an initial private launch to only Apple employees, Pirq will be rolling out its app to the rest of the public in the Bay Area within the next 12 months.
When information flows were easier to control, violence in one area had little impact on the rest of the country.
The diphtheria serum Nome's doctor had requested was not delivered, and as winter ice set in, the area was cut off from the rest of the world.
The second lesson is those who serve in our government are no more able to anticipate the future in their immediate area of responsibility than are the rest of us.
Therefore, economic or financial problems in one area of the globe quickly affect the rest of the world.
Cemex stepped in: it now owns 136, 000 acres of land, or over 60% of the National Park area, and plans to acquire the rest.
Pressed up close to the administrative border with Serbia and linked to Belgrade economically, the area seems de facto partitioned from the rest of Kosovo, if formally under K-For and Unmik control.
Unesco granted the heritage status in July 2006, saying the "substantial remains are a testimony to the contribution Cornwall and West Devon made to the Industrial Revolution in the rest of Britain and to the fundamental influence the area had on the mining world at large".
The formerly industrial area is more-sparsely developed than the rest of London, with public housing and overcrowded homes alternating with fast-food chains and corner stores.