Workers over 50 are allowed to contribute more to their employer-sponsored retirement savings plan.
Her job offers no health benefits, vacation, sick time, overtime or retirement savings plan, so Nicole receives food stamps and Medicaid to survive.
Used properly, these formulas can be an acid test to help a worker judge whether his or her retirement savings plan is on track.
FORBES: "Do-it-Yourself" retirement income for business owners: the capitalization test - Part 1
Tampa firefighters and police officers deserve better than abundant red flags and a paucity of reliable financial information related to their retirement savings plan.
FORBES: Red Flags Abound at $1.6 Billion City of Tampa Firefighters and Police Pension
Also approved was a request by the company to continue the pension plan for hourly workers under an agreement reached with the machinists union that freezes pensions and creates a new retirement savings plan.
But if you don't have a retirement savings plan or you don't like the one you have, you will be able to open a new American retirement account that will provide no hassle, portable savings opportunities throughout your career.
CNN: Clinton's October 9, 2007 speech on retirement security
Oddly enough, the Gore retirement-savings plan may actually help the future politics of pension reform, despite his dismissal of the subject.
Poor Retirement Savings: 37% of adults overall have NO retirement savings and 38% plan to live off Social Security.
The mostly parallel Thrift Savings Plan retirement system for federal employees has similarly worked spectacularly well now for nearly 30 years.
Instead, over 60% of their income is expected to come from defined contribution plans and other savings outside their retirement plan.
FORBES: How You Can Adopt the "7 Habits of Highly Confident Retirees"
You should be concerned if your retirement savings are held in a retirement plan that has never been audited.
FORBES: Pension Red Alert: 70% Of Pensions Are Never Audited
The savings plan is intended for retirement, but it could be used to buy a first home and pay for college or catastrophic medical expenses.
Others, such as target-date retirement funds and 529 college-savings-plan funds, are managed with a specific date in mind and grow more conservative as that date approaches.
The IRS has a withholding calculator that can help you determine the correct amount, (click here.) If you make an adjustment, be sure to capture the increase in your paycheck and put those dollars to the best use, whether it is setting up an automatic transfer from a checking to a savings account or increasing your retirement plan at work.
Borrowing against your retirement savings through a 401k for example, is different than tapping into a retirement plan, and taking distributions from the plan to pay for college.
This would also be very much like the highly successful private retirement investment systems used for the federal employee Thrift Savings Plan and for the private alternative to Social Security used for local government workers in Galveston, Texas.
Finally, it encourages employers to provide simpler retirement savings plans and calls for all businesses with 21 or more employees to offer some type of retirement plan.
He regularly speaks at national conferences, conducts educational seminars, writes articles about retirement planning and investing, and advises thousands of workplace savings plan participants.
FORBES: "Retiring Baby Boomers Find 401(k) Plans Fall Short" - False Premise
If you don't feel comfortable contributing a full 20% of your income to retirement and long- term savings, at least stash the maximum into your employer's retirement savings account, an IRA or self- employed retirement plan.
The strength of the DIY market belies predictions that as the baby boomers inched toward a retirement funded largely by their 401(k)-plan savings, most of them would seek a one-on-one relationship with a financial adviser to manage their nest eggs.
Mr Bush argued that his plan would enable Americans to gain higher returns for their retirement savings.
For the average investor, the biggest financial challenge is to invest savings to create a portfolio with a sustainable withdrawal plan during retirement.
Simplifying qualified retirement plan names and rules could help individual investors better comprehend and manage their savings.
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Parents, meanwhile, are finding themselves stuck caring for children, sometimes for much longer than they planned, with no exit plan in sight often damaging their own financial health and retirement savings.
After two brutal bear markets (2001-2002 and 2008-2009) retirement plan investors in 401(k) plans saw much of their lifetime retirement savings get walloped.
Effective Jan. 1, the federal government dropped the income limit for transferring savings to a Roth IRA from a traditional IRA or an employer-sponsored retirement plan, making it easier for people with higher incomes to take advantage of Roth accounts.
Under my plan you'll also be able to use the savings in your American retirement account to make major life investments, like buying a home or paying for higher education.
CNN: Clinton's October 9, 2007 speech on retirement security