Further questioning revealed that she had depression, and that her husband had started drinking.
Lib Dem peer Baroness Maddock revealed that she relied on Ordnance Survey maps, despite technological advances.
She also revealed that she had not left her house during the entire time that her son had been missing.
BBC: Kidnapped Oldham boy Sahil Saeed found safe in Pakistan
In her statements during her investigation published in court documents, Kamm revealed that she is a messianic leftist.
But during the case, it was revealed that she herself had become a woman only after a sex-change operation.
She revealed that she only bought the winning ticket after her husband asked her to "do another five quick picks".
Sanders frankly describes the pain he felt when she revealed that she had secretly given birth to another child: Tito Jackson.
Edith Bunker, played by Stapleton, for instance revealed that she had breast cancer on the show, a rare occurrence at the time.
In a statement on her official Web site, the reigning Olympic champion revealed that she believes her body is telling her to rest.
Winslet revealed that she had discussed motherhood with The Queen as she collected her honour, after the Queen asked how much she enjoyed acting.
She has counseled many young doctors and med students on their careers, like a student who revealed that she was ready to start a family.
During the X Factor hopeful's audition, broadcast on ITV on 18 November 2012, Ms Alexander revealed that she was a tribute act to the American singer-songwriter.
"There is very important evidence, which revealed that she was stolen from me, and DNA evidence proves that I am her real mother, " she told CNN.
Police officers failed to carry out checks on a psychiatric patient who murdered a woman, which would have revealed that she had killed before, a report has found.
She regularly counsels young doctors and med students on their careers, and just this week she met with a student who revealed that she was ready to start a family.
During her evidence, Mrs Shand Kydd revealed that she and her daughter had a tempestuous relationship and Princess Diana had not spoken to her mother for the last four months of her life.
Much later she revealed that she had chatted on the day to half a dozen youngsters who told her of their plans to stand for parliament in the 2013 general election.
Mrs O'Loan has also revealed that she is conducting a review of police relations with defence solicitors in Northern Ireland and that she has taken a specific case over from the RUC.
The Levy case generated a swarm of media coverage in 2001 and 2002, in part because it was revealed that she had had an affair with Gary Condit, then a U.S. congressman from California.
The politician, with a Home Counties constituency and a 'county lady' dress sense, has revealed that she has received invitations that were intended for a namesake - Teresa May, a 'glamour model' and dancer.
The American revealed afterwards that she had suffered a pelvic muscle strain and said it was one of the most painful injuries she had suffered.
Safina lost her No. 1 ranking for the second time after retiring hurt during her first match at the season-ending Sony Ericsson Championships in Qatar in October, and revealed then that she had been struggling with the problem for three months.
She did not say goodbye, but earlier in the evening she'd revealed to the group that she would be 70 this year.
Religious reasons led Andrea Hernandez to stop wearing the tag that revealed where she was on her school campus.
She revealed that on an earlier occasion Mr Coats had given Ms Spence cash and when she got back to her office in Glasgow, she noticed that it was short.
She revealed that in series two of The Hour, Lix Storm has a "very repressed" love story with a character played by Peter Capaldi.
At one reception I met a charming Spanish woman who revealed within 10 minutes that she was a "Young Global Leader", had a PhD in microbiology, had started up her own biotech company in the US and was on the verge of a major public health breakthrough.
She also revealed that the pilot had effectively been overtaken by events, due to probation performance improvements.
She then revealed that a Californian variety called petite sirah was actually two different grapes called durif and peloursin that even wine snobs were unable to tell apart.
Pop star Beyonce - who is married to Jay-Z - revealed in a recent interview that she is working with Timberlake on the follow up to her 2011 album, 4.