Welsh Education Minister Leighton Andrews has ordered a separate review into the market qualifications.
The move follows a review of the screening programme by the UK National Screening Committee (NSC).
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The Metropolitan Police and City of London Police are not part of the review.
We actually talked to an anesthesiologist who saw the movie and gave his review.
The review has identified problems, including "drift" in care planning and delays in decision making.
This is to allow enough time for the peer review process to take place.
Freeman Dyson and Steven Weinberg wrote regularly for the New York Review of Books.
ECONOMIST: And what it says about the role of public intellectuals
His log is subject to review by an independent auditor until later this year.
The Pollard Review involved the examination of 10, 000 emails and detailed interviews with 19 individuals.
The Cambridge Primary Review is an independent body which began its research on primary education in 2006.
Sony has closed one of the UK's oldest video game studios following a review of its operations.
The error relates to the scope of estoppel in a procedure called post-grant review (PGR).
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In Harvard Business Review, organizational psychologist Roger Schwarz suggests a transparent, mutual learning approach.
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Buskers, event organisers and open-air performers are being asked to get involved in the review.
This suggests a more limited role for the FCC when it comes to merger review.
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The review team's draft report, written before the inspectors' visit, has now been published.
Video game developers really ought to stop sending Julian Assange review copies of their games.
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Following a boundary review, 57 seats are being contested, down from 73 four years ago.
Funding for the Taunton academy will only be decided after the spending review in the Autumn.
The family had asked to see the full Serious Offence Review but their request was refused.
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This month, the White House ordered a sweeping independent review of Nasa's manned spaceflight strategy.
This point was emphasized strongly by the UKNC in its evidence to the Review.
The review also said raising rents would affect the amount of income support paid out.
Once Facebook built a structure to review content, it established itself as an arbiter of norms.
One way to achieve this awareness is simply to review the Trends tab in www.
The review process is thorough and objective and conducted as expeditiously as possible under the circumstances.
Special tax rules are not reviewed regularly whereas agency budgets are subject to annual review.
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Isabel and Maryam were selected following an open call for applications and a multi-staged review process.
These are items inserted into spending bills by members of Congress without adequate review.
She said the results of the review would "come to fruition" in Labour's next manifesto.
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