The scenery made me wonder if John Wayne was going to ride up on his horse.
The payoff comes after one last lift ride up to the top of the mountain ridge.
"Bend, stretch and lift your legs" to ensure the garment doesn't ride up, she says.
Then there's Bridgeport, a short ride up I-95, where life couldn't be more different.
And today you ride up a road which is almost closed and everyone cheers you and it's just wonderful.
The ride up for the country was not as clear as it was in California, but it was up.
Take a dramatic cable car ride up Mount Ulriken to find the sky:skraper restaurant, perched 643 metres above sea level.
Shortly after imparting this significant fact, he drives us on a white-knuckle ride up narrow switchbacks to the top of 1, 000ft-high Cedar Mesa.
Not only will you feel miserable in too-tight garments, they may ride up, forcing you to tug on them all day.
But they will build a cycle for you, watch you ride up and down the street or even ride out with you.
What you do is watch them ride up an escalator, especially a real tall escalator, like some they have in the D.
Lift has just started its ride up from the basement, with the mission of making a giant impact on human potential through positive support.
The next step is to hop on a TeleferiQo cable car and ride up the slopes of Mt Pichincha, the active volcano that overlooks Quito.
His Heidiland includes a cable-car ride up a Heidi alp where tourists eat a Heidi meal before feeding the Heidi goats and meeting Heidi's grandfather.
But even without a primary opponent, Mr. Brown shouldn't bank on a free ride up to the June primary, said Mr. South, the Democratic consultant.
The ride up was gravity-defying, the ride down sudden and scary.
While prices are low, energy investors really ought to be thinking about buying select natgas producers now and sitting on them until the near-inevitable ride up.
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But the BPI's critics are unimpressed, and maintain new talent needs to be nurtured - not packaged for a rocky ride up and down the singles charts.
To see that formula in action, I ride up the road to the town of Hanover, where Hypertherm Inc makes equipment used around the world to cut steel and aluminium.
You ride up to six hours a day.
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Keeping a quick pace, I looked at the climb as an opportunity to work off all the Arabian sweets I had consumed the days prior to Petra, and easily passed those choosing the very popular donkey ride up the never-ending steps.
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From there, he caught a ride up to Santa Cruz, where he spent a few months engineering sounds for video games before developing an unusual game known as Moondust a cult hit that used the motions of the joystick to generate the soundtrack.
Until quite recently, every smart office block in Sao Paulo used to employ an "ascensorista" - a person whose sole job was to ride up and down in the lifts all day, pushing buttons that the occupants could easily have pressed for themselves.
But, like a breakthrough band suddenly finding itself appreciated by a mainstream audience, the Londoner's serendipitous success in his own city, coming just days after he became the first ever Briton to ride up Paris' Champs-Elysees in the Tour de France winner's yellow jersey, has seen him transformed from respected niche sportsman into "Wiggo, " the people's champion and a cult phenomenon.
Paying top executives mostly in restricted stock would force CEOs to "ride it up and down, " says Charles Elson, director of the Center for Corporate Governance at the University of Delaware.
Instead they ride the index up and then down again without locking in profits or selling losers to reinvest proceeds during the reversion.
Many investors today actually miss out on market rallies year after year because they ride the market up and then right back down again.
Mechanics spot strange things stuck under cars all the time, but when 20-year-old Yasir Afifi's ride was put up on lifts his shop found something that hadn't been kicked up from the road: a cylindrical tube connected to a device with an antenna.