Every house has a trellis of vines outside it, with grapes ripening for the yearly pressing.
The mountains, the ripening crops, the thickly wooded hills and golden light: these are all beautiful.
Yet there are underlying reasons why the Arab world should be ripening for change.
The answer may lie in how these nations at the core of the continent respond to their ripening policy choices.
These are enviable conditions for ripening Cabernet Sauvignon-producing wines with a strong depth of color, good tannic structure, power and suppleness.
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Otherwise, Chiquita sends bananas to several distribution centers, where they are stored in "ripening rooms" designed to reactivate the ripening process.
Two decades later, in Sunrise at Campobello, there is Roosevelt again, this time played by Ralph Bellamy as the last word in ripening decencies.
So we get nice ripening but then we cool off very quickly, which allows the grapes to have--to maintain their high acidic content longer as they're ripening.
The company has a proprietary ProRipeVIP avocado ripening program, which uses an acoustic firmness sensor to measure the firmness of fruit and deliver evenly-ripened avocados.
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The purpose of the plastic bag is to protect the bananas from dehydration and avoid premature ripening during the long voyage from the producing countries.
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"Asia is just as it is here, " Al Ansari says from his office at the Dubai International Financial Center, home to the city's ever ripening stock exchange.
Brian Cohen, who chairs the New York Angels investing group, sees the whole startup ecosystem ripening as increasingly sophisticated angel investors clamor to get in on the action.
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The American apple industry plunged into utter disarray in 1989 after a 60 Minutes segment alleged cancer risks from Alar, a chemical used to synchronize the ripening of fruit on apple trees.
For reasons unclear to modern science, Pinot Gris differentiates itself by changing a different color (somewhere between pale brown and medium purple) when ripening side by side with Pinot Noir, and also develops its own distinctive flavor and texture.
The sun ripening a Polyface Farms tomato.
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"Happy birthday to me, " I said to the ripening chestnut tree in the front yard, not yet knowing that the gifts I would receive that day would make me agree to return, reluctantly and to protect sacred secrets, to the grief-breathing place of childhood, to the Seaboro River.
It is the Ibiza the ancient Greeks used to call the 'pine-covered island', a fertile land where almost every patch of soil is filled with trees bearing different fruits - figs, quinces, lemons, carob seeds and almonds - so that the surrounding air is perfumed with their ripening scent.
Sledge described the operation generously: the rooms teeming to the scrolled plaster ceilings with bud-heavy green stalks, the floor cabled with sprinklers, the walls lined with foil reflectors to maximize the ripening effects of the solar-spectrum lamps, the stereo chattering NPR talk radio to cover the drone of the daytime light banks, and classical music to give the plants a cultural heritage through the cool damp night.