The U.S. investor remains risk averse, with heavy flows into low yielding U.S. debt.
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This seems logical enough: women are indeed, on average, more risk averse than men on average.
Mr. PHILIPPE DE BUCK (Communications Director, Business Europe): We are much more risk averse.
Individuals and businesses are becoming increasingly risk averse, and it is crimping the economic recovery.
Perhaps even more significant, they seem to be less risk averse to holding stocks.
However he accepts that he may be "excessively risk averse" because of his line of work.
The allegation is that banks have become both too risk averse and too greedy.
At that point the prudent risk averse trader had to pull back and re-examine their time frame.
Anyone who knows Japan knows that the Japanese are extremely, often seemingly irrationally, cautious and risk averse.
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The venture capital industry has grown risk averse, and angels are only half-heartedly stepping into the breach.
The higher bond prices go because of demand from risk averse fixed income investors, the lower yields go.
Space travel and oil rig work are not jobs for the feint of heart or the risk averse.
Increasingly risk averse investors now view Treasury bonds and gold as safe havens.
In a speech in London, he said the civil service was too often "risk averse" and "focused on process".
But he said private landlords were "risk averse" to taking tenants on benefits.
Fueled by fears from the mortgage fallout, investors grew increasingly risk averse and unwilling to take types of corporate debt.
Exxon in recent years has become increasingly risk averse in its wildcat exploration after a series of costly dry holes.
The market place is more risk averse so far Thursday, which is pressuring most raw commodity markets, including gold and silver.
Shiv found that his healthy test subjects allowed their prior losses to cloud their judgment, causing them to be excessively risk averse.
Another 22 percent of those surveyed said private companies have become more risk averse because of lingering anxiety from the last recession.
However, it appears investors are becoming less risk averse to buying stocks.
Because he was not risk averse, Walt made his share of mistakes.
Pendo, as many other startups, faced the paradox: clients very favorable to the technology, but very risk averse in dealing with a startup.
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In fact, the smartest executives understand that swimming upstream against the conventional wisdom of the risk averse can actually create significant opportunities for growth.
In the same way, at the casino, people who win money become less risk averse, because they feel they're playing with the house's money.
The sagas of Michael Vick, Kobe Bryant and numerous baseball juicers have combined to make major brand marketers more risk averse than ever these days.
Our aging (and increasingly risk averse) boomer population will not be able to invest, produce and spend at the rates needed to sustain 3%-plus growth.
But still, accepting that space flight is very risky, do you think that NASA has become maybe too risk averse for effective manned space exploration?
The audit giants might decide that their dwindling numbers make them increasingly visible targets for regulatory interventions and litigation, and they might become more risk averse.
Many have become (perhaps excessively) risk averse, as is also reflected in a sharp decline in corporate investment even as their productivity, exports and profits soar.
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