But being born under the wrong road sign is a different and perhaps even more intractable problem.
The Peugeot they were in left the road, hit a road sign and ended up in a field.
All that reminds us of the cosmonaut in Klushino is the sagging road sign with peeling, discoloured paint, and an old one-storey house.
BBC: Yuri Gagarin's Klushino: Forgotten home of space legend
And a 30-year-old man was seriously injured in an accident on an icy M18 near Doncaster, when his car collided with a road sign and overturned.
BBC: Satellite image of UK under snow - University of Dundee
That sign, a replica of an Irish road sign, was given to me by a colleague, Mark Wynne, who took my place in a forthcoming speaking assignment in Ireland when I retired from the Dallas Fed in November 2004.
The program provides advertising for sponsors who agree to clean a stretch of road on a sign posted along the stretch.
But the first thing one notices when visiting Finn's ranch is the sign at the road, with a painting of his medal next to his name.
CNN: Oldest Medal of Honor recipient, 100, downplays 'hero' talk
Across Kenya, at virtually every road junction, the commonest sign-posts are to churches, mostly of the home-grown African variety, promising solace, guidance and the hope of prosperity.
He says even after the road project was finished, the sign remained up for some time.
Mr Backhouse said he painted the sign as part of Road Safety Week UK and would paint over it on 5 December.
Soon the little passageway in Hamra became known as Barbar Street and, between the cocktail shop and the sub sandwich restaurant, the street is now blocked by the sign: 'Road Open to Barbar Clients Only'.
Americans point to that as a sign of progress: a main road that by next fall could link Afghanistan and Pakistan.
My mobile sent us to a sleepy border station that seemed to have been built where there was once a stop sign on a two lane country road.
Saturday was a promising sign that the country is on the road to stability, but it is not there yet.
One good sign for parents and drivers sharing the road with teens is that the dangers of drinking and driving appear to be getting through to teens.
The Highways Agency has put up a sign warning drivers about the pitted and broken road surface on the southbound carriageway, just after junction 23 at Bridgwater North.
Jacob Marx, 27, was hit on the head by the metal sign from a William Hill betting shop in Camden Road, Camden Town, on Monday evening.
And if the procession is a bit too slow for you, why not sign up for the The Lord Mayor's 5km Classic Road Race?
Half a mile beyond the sign for Lathockar mill, Eva Lowe turned off the main coastal road and took the back way through Kinaldy woods.
Homeowner Mahmood Ali, who wants to illuminate the sign, says the symbols are a blessing on his house in Chepstow Road.
BBC: Islamic sign deemed 'obtrusive advert' by Newport council
In another sign of obstacles visitors could face, Israeli soldiers at a checkpoint on the road from Jerusalem made travellers take a lengthy detour into Bethlehem on Saturday.
It was yet another sign that the region where war first came to Croatia may now finally be on the road to recovery, thanks in no small part to the drama and ruggedness of the very landscapes that were battlegrounds in the all too recent past.
With heavy rain having made the Welford Road pitch very boggy it suggested the visitors might take a more conservative approach than usual but there was no sign of that when the game started.