In February DNA tests on two roe deer discovered dead in Gloucestershire found only saliva relating to foxes.
BBC: Essex lion: Charting the big cats of Britain
The roe deer was spotted by the crew of HMS Sutherland on Saturday and a boat was launched to rescue it.
BBC: HMS Sutherland rescues deer from Plymouth Sound
Roe deer skip out of the path of bicycles on the roads.
BBC: Here comes the sun in Sweden
After a few hours, a small roe deer trots into the clearing ahead before abruptly turning and running, as if having suddenly recalled an appointment elsewhere in the forest.
BBC: Poland's wild woods
He said wildlife had already begun to return to the area, with roe deer, brown hares and a wide variety of birds, including peregrine falcons, hobbies and kestrels, being spotted on the moss land.
BBC: Little Woolden Moss 'recovering' after peat extraction
It dishes up authentic Polish cuisine with an international twist, along the lines of beef stroganoff with chanterelle mushrooms served in a hollowed-out loaf of sourdough bread, and saddle of roe deer marinated in red wine and served with blueberry jelly.
BBC: A taste of Krakow
Dr Dolman led a census of roe and muntjac deer populations across 234 sq km (90 sq miles) of woods and heathland in Breckland, East Anglia.
BBC: Deer: 50% cull 'necessary to protect countryside'