Even on a rhythmic level, the choreography of both dances appeared to have little relationship to the romantic, emotional music.
WSJ: The First Sounds of Spring | Savannah Music Festival | By Barrymore Laurence Scherer
Far from being a Romantic expression of the individual, music, Mr Byrne believes, is a social, even biological, phenomenon.
ECONOMIST: Rediscovering music with Talking Heads�� front man
Decades before that, Ferrer specialized in boleros, slow, romantic songs that were the popular music of Cuba in the 1950s.
NPR: Buena Vista Social Club Singer's Last Album
"Secular items are never to be sung or played at a Catholic funeral, such as romantic ballads, pop or rock music, political songs, football club songs, " he adds.
BBC: Catholic Church in Australia bans pop music at funerals
The music is both refined and brutal, late-Romantic opulence pinned to raw action.
Though Doiron's music contains folk elements appropriate for such a sleepy, romantic backdrop, she also takes the time to crank the volume on an electric guitar.
NPR: Julie Doiron: 'Heavy Snow'
On a smaller but romantic scale, a young Turkish-Greek couple is having a striking success with the first Turkish-music bar in Athens.
ECONOMIST: Tentatively, two old enemies are beginning to co-operate