"She remains incredibly cheerful, incredibly determined and incredibly determined to speak for her cause, " Rosser said.
Malala has made impressive strides and faced her medical treatment with bravery, Rosser said.
"She's already talking about furthering her cause, " said the hospital's medical director, Dr. Dave Rosser.
Malala has asked to keep the bone once it has been removed, said Dr Rosser.
Speaking for Labour, Lord Rosser emphasised the need for talks between Israel and Palestinian leaders to continue.
"That makes 11 million and 70 dollars he's donated to the center, " says Pickens' handler, Jay Rosser.
Dr Rosser said the team of specialists working with her have been pleased with the teenager's progress.
It will allow her, for example, to hear an approaching car, Rosser said.
The cochlear device will not allow her to hear completely naturally, Rosser said.
Dr Rosser added this was common practice worldwide to keep the bone healthy.
Dr Rosser described the incident as "irritating", but said the hospital and its partners are "comfortable with security arrangements".
That's a common procedure to preserve bone fragments for later use, Rosser said.
Dr Rosser said the hospital was "unique" because all the treatment Malala required could be done within the same organisation.
The director of Friends of the Earth, Julian Rosser, said it had not been demonstrated that the new processes work completely effectively.
"There is a very good chance after this procedure that within a year to 18 months, this will completely recover, " Rosser said.
"The bone will be removed from under the skin in her stomach and cleaned up and sterilized and given to Malala, " Rosser said.
Mr Rosser had warned that companies may be put off setting up operations in Wales if they saw it would mean increased costs.
Dr David Rosser said she was making good progress, but has a long way to go and is not out of the woods yet.
Dr David Rosser said she was also able to communicate by writing notes, but added that there were still some concerns about her smooth recovery.
Dr Rosser said that she was "doing very well" and reported that she was eager for details about her condition to be shared more widely.
Dr Rosser said the missing part of Malala's skull had been put in her abdomen by surgeons in Pakistan, in order to "keep the bone alive".
"They were brought up to date on the 15-year-old's medical progress and her future treatment plan by (the trust's) medical director, Dr Dave Rosser, " the statement added.
Lord Rosser withdrew Labour's amendment without a vote, but signalled he would return to the issue at a later date in the bill's progress through the Lords.
For the opposition, Lord Rosser pressed the government on what it was doing to get him deported and how it planned to protect the public in the meantime.
On the issue of Iran's nuclear ambitions, Lord Rosser said "sanctions are now beginning to put considerable pressure on the Iranian regime" and urged against any pre-emptive military action.
While Samuleson noted that he had doubts about whether Pickens actually writes the tweets, Rosser said that the oil tycoon dictates what he wants to run on his Twitter feed.
FORBES: Don't Tweet At Billionaire T. Boone Pickens For Tuition Help Unless You Have The Grades
"There is no doubt that the surgery performed in Pakistan was life-saving, " Dr. Dave Rosser, medical director of the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Birmingham, UK, said Wednesday at a news conference.
Mr Rosser said that while public sector cuts could mean opportunities for the private sector it would be wrong for any one in business to speak with a note of triumphalism.
In a news conference on Monday, the Birmingham hospital's medical director Dr Dave Rosser said everything had gone "very well" in Saturday's operation and said the teenager's condition was continuing to improve.
He told Lord Rosser that the bill required consultation with "local policing bodies", the definition of which was quite wide and would allow for the home secretary to consult with police and crime commissioners.