The agent, who could face a smuggling charge, was stopped for a routine check at Oslo's Gardermoen Airport on Tuesday.
BBC: SPORT | Football | African | Obi's agent fined for smuggling
Mr Mooney, aged 74, had not had any symptoms of prostate cancer, but was referred by his GP for a routine check.
The body was discovered at 5:45 a.m. by a police official who was conducting a routine check at the prison, Mr. Gupta said.
The packet was found in a cupboard in the minister's bathroom office during a routine check by bomb squad officials, who considered it suspicious.
's lead director, excused himself for what he expected would be a routine check-in with the Dell chief executive ahead of a quarterly earnings report.
He added that his body was discovered at 5:45 a.m. by an official from the Tamil Nadu police who was conducting a routine check at the prison.
Czech food regulator SVS said on Monday it had found undisclosed amounts of the animal in one specific batch of meatballs during a routine check late last week.
Although placed on the FBI's Ten Most Wanted List three months ago, Mr Jeffs was eventually found as the result of a routine check by traffic police in Nevada.
BBC: NEWS | Americas | Uncertain future for US polygamy sect
Instead of trying to come up with a routine check-in (ie: once a week, every two weeks, etc.), just focus on reaching out when you have a timely, newsworthy story idea.
Some doctors recommend a monthly testicular self-exam for all males age 15 years and older, and most experts agree that at the very least, the testicles should be examined by a physician during routine check-ups.
The officer who was targeted found the device during a routine check of his family car at about 14:00 GMT on Sunday, as he prepared to take his wife and two children out to lunch.
In Colorado, only a tiny fraction (about 1%) of people who have gun-disqualifying mental health histories have been reported to the National Instant Check System, where they could be discovered in a routine background check of a prospective gun purchaser.
On the evening of Jan. 26, 2006, military guards at Guantanamo Bay made an alarming discovery during a routine cell check.
Mr. Merah was arrested by Afghan police during a routine identity check in Kandahar and put on a flight to Europe, prosecutors say.
So the panel said such studies would be ethical only if they presented no more than minimal risk to participants like the risk from a routine medical check-up.
For example, it suggests that collecting medication from a pharmacy is a chance to offer help on cutting down on alcohol, or that a routine dental check-up could be used to discuss smoking.
The theft was discovered during a routine inventory check of the warehouse, which "had been secured by a fence and locks, and visited regularly, " federation president Serge Beaulieu said in a statement in August.
Before a family vacation or business trip, my routine is to check Internet travel sites, like Traveladvisor, and I pore over hotel reviews.
FORBES: Launching the "New" Customer Service 2.0 in the Age of Internet/SNS
Sure enough, four days in, our routine 530am radio signal snare check generated hysteria to rival any alarm clock.
My own routine, thanks again to Lorette, looks something like this: get up, start coffee dripping, check emails for emergencies only.
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