John Hutchinson , a researcher at the University of London's RoyalVeterinaryCollege, has used this paradigm to reckon the top speeds of ostriches and elephants.
"Bigger animals need more robust supportive tissues in order to support their weight, " says John Hutchinson, lecturer and researcher at the RoyalVeterinaryCollege, University of London.
An independent group led by Professor Chris Wathes of the RoyalVeterinaryCollege will assess whether the new trials kill enough badgers (more than 70%) and whether they are killed humanely.
Meanwhile, the RoyalCollege of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS) has called on the government to commit to a full public inquiry into the handling of the epidemic.
Following the government move, the Council of the RoyalCollege of Veterinary Surgeons in November 1992, ruled docking to be unethical, "unless for therapeutic or acceptable prophylactic reasons".