• Under the so-called 5-3-3-2 rule, applied by both the finance ministry and the health ministry, half the pension-fund investments had to be in assets (such as bonds) where return of the principal was guaranteed, not more than 30% in domestic equities, 30% in foreign securities and 20% in property.

    ECONOMIST: The trouble with getting old

  • In 1868, samurai from the two remote southern domains of Satsuma and Choshu seized the imperial palace in Kyoto, declared the restoration of the Meiji emperor and brought to a sudden end two-and-a-half centuries of rule by the Tokugawa shogunate.

    ECONOMIST: Japan

  • Even in the West Bank, run by a more liberal Western-backed self-rule government, most public schools separate boys and girls by fourth grade.

    NPR: Women's Group Slams Gaza Law On Gender Segregation

  • Last month, on the Monday after Bear Stearns' collapse, the SEC proposed a new "naked short-selling anti-fraud rule" that is supposed to rein in manipulative trading by preventing short-sellers from misrepresenting to a broker that they have properly located stock to borrow to sell short.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • It creates an unfair, jump-the-gun, time-to-market advantage, by ignoring the rule of law standard of securing permission from property owners before use in the marketplace, a business practice that law-abiding competitors must respect.

    FORBES: The Evidence Google's Systematic Theft is Anti-Competitive

  • Stabilizing the dollar-euro exchange rate can only be achieved within a rule-based monetary regime, not by relying on "independent" central banks and finance ministers to coordinate monetary policy to do it.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • We will observe the same procedures as panel one -- 10 minutes witness presentations, followed by questioning by members under the five- minute rule.

    CNN: Transcript: Opening statement of Chairman Henry Hyde

  • And three-year Bachelors degrees followed by two-year Masters are now the general rule, with few exceptions.

    ECONOMIST: Universities in Europe

  • Instead, play by the rule--your business acumen--that first allowed you to generate the wealth that you are now deploying in the stock market.


  • Throughout this crisis I don't recall that Cox--who got rid of the uptick rule on short-selling in 2007 and then sat idly by as gangs of naked short-sellers destroyed cash-flow-positive banks--has had a word to say.

    FORBES: Mini-Depression of 2008

  • Probably of more lasting importance is the latest bout of rule-changing by the authorities.

    FORBES: Links 18 March: After 48 Hours Near No One Likes The Cyprus Bail Out

  • Issuers must comply with the two-network rule by April 1st of next year.

    FORBES: Banks Should Love the Fed's Durbin Amendment Ruling

  • Card networks must comply with the two-network rule by October 1st.

    FORBES: Banks Should Love the Fed's Durbin Amendment Ruling

  • If it were to try to do so, holders of dollars could over-rule the Fed by turning in the extra dollars for gold, forcing the Fed to reverse its policies.

    FORBES: Gingrich, The Gold Standard, And The Florida Primary

  • To prevent a repeat of the credit crunch and market breakdowns we have witnessed over the past two years, extensive rule-making by the Securities and Exchange Commission, the Commodity Futures Trading Commission and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, among others, will be necessary.

    FORBES: Dangers Abound As Financial Reform Goes From Blueprint To Bricks

  • The gainful-employment rule has been the focus of sustained attack by the for-profit colleges.

    ECONOMIST: For-profit higher education

  • Since the new Europe-wide rule to strengthen banks is that they must - by the middle of 2012 - have a minimum of 9% capital on a Basel 2.5 basis relative to their risk-weighted assets, after allowing for the fall in the price of their holdings of the debts of over-indebted eurozone countries, by definition it is the banks in those over-indebted eurozone countries that emerge as weakest.

    BBC: Southern European banks need most capital

  • It might then consider adopting another quite modest proposal, recently advanced by Ira Millstein, a leading lawyer and corporate-governance reformer, and a rule long observed in more shareholder-friendly places such as Britain: if, by withholding support, shareholders cast more votes against a candidate than in favour, he should not be elected to the board.

    ECONOMIST: Another proxy season, another gazillion wasted votes

  • Mrs Winterton's Termination of Pregnancy (Counselling and Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill is the third abortion-related Ten Minute Rule Bill to be introduced in eight months - all have which have been rejected by MPs.

    BBC: NEWS | UK | UK Politics | Bid to change abortion law fails

  • IMF, especially the United States, have other worries: will Pakistan return to democracy or will it succumb to rule by anti-western mullahs?

    ECONOMIST: The general dictates the tune to which Pakistan will dance

  • It seems likely the Court of Appeals will rule by mid-July.

    FORBES: NFL, Players Under Pressure To Resolve Labor Dispute

  • If you establish a company-wide rule, backed by punishment, that you never fail, then you have, de facto, established an unwritten rule that no one in your company will ever take a risk again.

    FORBES: We Never Fail

  • Muslims in northern Nigeria are drawn to the idea of the Islamic code, partly because they are disillusioned by years of corrupt military rule, but also because they are alarmed by ever-rising crime figures.

    ECONOMIST: Nigeria

  • Knight Capital general counsel Leonard Amoruso asks how the individual stock circuit breakers will interact with market-wide circuit breakers, a newly adopted up-tick rule for short sellers and internal circuit breakers imposed by NYSE Euronext and Nasdaq.

    FORBES: Broker-Dealers See Holes In SEC Circuit Breakers

  • Mr Lugo's 2008 election ended 61 years of rule by the right-wing Colorado party.

    BBC: Paraguay President Fernando Lugo impeached by congress

  • Henman was helped by a controversial over-rule from the umpire while facing break point at 4-4 in the opening set against ninth seed Lee.

    CNN: Federer and Henman in Tokyo final

  • Hun Sen could also extend his government's term and rule by royal decree - but again the king would likely refuse to be involved in such a ploy.


  • It was not accepted by Guinness World Records' rule-keepers due to his lack of a birth certificate, although he did produce a letter from Britain's Queen Elizabeth congratulating him on his 100th birthday.

    CNN: Fauja Singh: World's oldest runner, 102, finds peace

  • Tax havens also play a very valuable moral role by providing high-quality rule of law in an uncertain world, offering a financial refuge for people who live in nations where governments are incompetent and corrupt.

    FORBES: All the News that's Fit to Print about Tax Havens

  • People generally seem happy to rub along though a test of that is thrown up by another rule: that everyone - however fond of their own home dishes - has to eat together in a communal canteen.

    BBC: So remote, it could pass for Mars

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