The analysis did not address water contamination, which at the time would have been avoided, since the EPA rule remained in force.
The three-strike rule is currently in force north of the border for drivers resident in Northern Ireland.
Police killed 34 striking workers at the Marikana platinum in South Africa's North West province in August, in the most deadly security force action since white rule ended in 1994.
BBC: South Africa police fire rubber bullets at farm workers
Were a rule put in place that would force deals like it onto exchanges, there would be no transaction to speak of.
The new rule, which came into force in January, means that all airlines have to add up greenhouse gas emissions from flights that begin or end at EU airports, and must pay a small charge, or trade carbon permits on the EU emission trading scheme, if they exceed their allowance.
Smith said he hopes that the courts will eventually rule against Aereo and force it to get in line with other pay TV operators.
That right has been recognized to have special force in perjury cases, where it is the rule uniformly enforced by the courts that an indictment must inform the defendant specifically what false statement he is alleged to have made.
CNN: Transcript: White House Counsel Ruff's opening statement
When Mr. Bush and Mr. Gorbachev met in Helsinki in September and the Soviet leader seemed to rule out the use of force at a news conference after the meeting, Administration officials referred reporters to the joint communique, which said the two sides would consider "additional steps" if Iraq refused to withdraw.
Neither candidate appears to want to unleash another US military intervention in the region, though both clearly would not rule out the use of force.
Or to put it another way, if a majority of the eurozone "outs" don't like a new banking rule, they can block it - which limits the voting force of eurozone members acting in unison.
Coed training at all levels has been the rule in the Army for the last three years, in the Navy since 1992 and in the Air Force since 1977.
In contrast, when a U.S. President brings a treaty into force, the rule is that its terms must be fulfilled.
But he must also pick candidates who have demonstrated that they understand these questions and possess the force of character to make fair and impartial decisions even in the face of external pressure to rule on other grounds.
In what is being seen as a significant move, the EU indicates it does not rule out the use of force - but only, the document makes clear, if political dialogue and sanctions have failed, and with the United Nations Security Council playing a central role.