The structure seemed right, but the tour got off to a troubled start, Australia shining in front of the Sydney crowd in the first Test to run out 30-12 winners.
McNierney acknowledged that most customers may bypass the hand cranks but he insisted they are usable. (Six minutes of hand-cranking should produce an hour of run-time.) To test the feature, the organization took out the tablet batteries to see whether the devices could run just by hand crank.
But there was no time for sentiment as Sachin Tendulkar, in his 154th Test, was guilty of some schoolboy-style running and was run out for 12 with two balls remaining before tea.
This flight will shortly be followed by another test run to ensure that everything checks out, after which it will begin its first long-duration mission sometime later this month.
By building an inventory of all four VANQUISH models, Digital Storm can run its industry leading 72-hour stress test and benchmarking to ensure customers experience zero performance bottlenecks and get the most out of their hardware.
The spec-bumped version is called the Grand X IN -- it's due out next month and we've just had a chance to run some early benchmarks to test the performance of its vanilla Android 4 OS and new Intel engine.