The food consultant read through other ingredients on the label, keeping up a running commentary as he did.
The source told the BBC that Number 10 would not be giving a "running commentary" about the strike negotiations.
BBC: Planned BA strike is 'totally unjustified', says Adonis
Scoreboards rattled off statistics, and professional poker player Phil Gordon, who often does TV analysis, gave a running commentary.
"We are not going to get drawn into a running commentary, " he said.
Penn keeps up a running commentary designed to distract and bemuse the audience while they both perform the magic tricks.
"Sir John meets many people, but we don't give a running commentary on any of these private meetings, " the spokesman said.
But Jill was the witty cosmopolitan who gave running commentary that was like a voice-over narration from a Billy Wilder movie.
The running commentary among the taste testers prompted KFC to move extra-crispy Buffalo chicken into test markets, along with the apple pie.
Business Minister Edwina Hart said negotiations about buying the airport were commercially confidential and that she could not provide a "running commentary" on them.
He said he was not "going to give a running commentary on different people's tax affairs", and said he had made "an exception yesterday... it was a particularly egregious example".
And so it was great fun and great sport to hear the running commentary from Fred, making fun of whoever it was that was making a fool of themselves during the committee process.
Much of the running commentary on Twitter is a reaction to news events, so when a flu epidemic becomes a national news story, the number of people talking about it spikes, regardless of their own health status.
And because the system knows exactly where each driver is, it won't drown drivers in a running commentary about what's happening on the other side of town (unless the other side of town is the destination they have programmed into their navigation systems).
CNN: Behold the?all-seeing, self-parking, safety-enforcing, networked car
The Twitter integration is the really clever bit, it seems to me, allowing users to bring the running commentary of the tweetstream alive in the conference hall. (In this sense, Holler Gram may be disruptive in more ways than the developers intended.) Does it have a future?
Downing Street would like defence chiefs and the MoD to get on with the business of implementing the strategic defence and security review (SDSR)- and the defence cuts within it - without a running commentary on the front pages about low morale or fears for the future.
At Commons question time on 19 January 2010, Mr Miliband said it would be wrong to give a running "public commentary" on the sort of sanctions that might be adopted by the international community.