Its wide fields are littered today with abandoned packing sheds and rusted rail spurs.
The beams were wormy and the chains rusted and the pillars green with mold.
She was beautiful, but rusted, as if her beauty had been abandoned, exposed to the elements.
But its badly rusted structure and chipped white paint has left it in urgent need of refurbishment.
Rusted wheels stand silent, gap-toothed wooden houses are half-collapsed: the rotten shards of a thousand dreams of riches.
The Nets should be better in their second year at the Rusted Turtle.
The movie is about Harvey Pekar, a real and rusted-up gentleman from Cleveland.
There, shacks sit beside rusted cotton gins on the outskirts of town, and once-grand mansions are slowly falling down.
She also feeds stray cats wandering among the town's wreckage, which includes a rusted shipping container and several vacant trailers.
The back of a truck with a rusted trailer hitch and broken tail light can be seen in the photo.
The mea culpa ads are aimed at consumers who, when they think of products, still think 1973 rusted-out Chevy Vega.
The half tonne of rusted steel from One World Trade Centre was placed underground because it was too distressing to be displayed.
BBC: NEWS | UK | England | London | Garden memorial to 9/11 victims
It was supposed to be a convertible, but the concertina metal bits that supported the canvas top were too rusted to fold back.
When the Barclays opened, Carter christened its rusted steel with a string of sold-out concerts that felt less like an unveiling than a homecoming.
The architects animated a very basic arena form, covering it with rusted steel panels thousands of them, each one slightly different in size turning something ponderous, dynamic.
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At Kew, a pile of large iron nails rusted together show that boat building and repair went on, and pieces of 17th-century slipware mingle with Tudor pot handles.
On his debut album, Hand Built by Robots, Faulkner covers bands as varied as Rusted Root and Massive Attack, using his trademark percussive style on acoustic guitar.
Beyond was knee-high grass, pieces of rusted metal sticking out.
The hood ornament on this jalopy is the rusted voice of Gonjasufi, who may just be the most unusual man on the mic since Wu-Tang Clan's Ol' Dirty Bastard.
Brooklyn lost despite owning home court, despite the Bulls shedding multiple players to injury and plague, despite Rihanna shimmering courtside, despite a fancy new arena that looks like a rusted turtle.
Several hundred metres east, another platform appears to be suspended in thin air, with only rusted designer steel and glass plates separating you from a 200m drop to the Trollstigen valley below.
Jia, working with the cinematographer Yu Wiklai, is incapable of an ugly or unresonant image: the air seems moist and palpable, and even the thick, rusted pipes of derelict factories appear to breathe.
To get there, you have to drive over Pulaski County's winding roads, pass some sagging trailer homes with rusted cars out front, then get out of the car and cut across Bradley's cornfield.
One Greek shipowner "literally handed us the keys to six ships, " Arntzen recalls, including a bulk carrier that had washed up in Montreal with 6-foot holes rusted through its decks, a victim of deferred maintenance.
Just beyond his tattered wood desk, a vintage Miami cruiser hangs from one of his patent-pending pedal hooks - the perfectly rusted patina on the low-riding frame is the closest thing to art on the walls.
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There was smoke and a terrible warmth, a gray sun rising and falling in what seemed like a matter of minutes, and the tiger, frenzied, dry-tongued, ran back and forth along the span of rusted bars.
Seattle's Tom Kundig, of the firm Olson Kundig, draws on the mining and logging history of the Pacific Northwest to create homes with huge walls of rusted steel, exposed wood and steel beams and industrial sized doors.
His emaciated body was found by hikers later that autumn in the rusted-out hulk of a 1946 Fairbanks City Transit bus, which had been abandoned in the woods by a work crew many years earlier after breaking its axle along a remote stretch of the trail.