Both Rwandan and Ugandan officials have strongly denied the accusations made in the report.
BBC: Rwanda defence chief leads DR Congo rebels, UN report says
These rebels, apparently reinforced by more Rwandan regulars, are now moving north towards Ituri.
As the Rwandan army advanced across Congo in 1997, it drove the surviving refugees before it.
The Rwandan government was surprised when it heard that Gen Ntaganda had surrendered, he said.
The Rwandan government will cover all of the squad's costs, including accommodation and players' allowances.
He was probably on his way to a secret meeting with senior Rwandan officials.
Rwandan journalist Ruhumuza Mbonyumutwa was roughed up at one Brussels demonstration a few months ago.
Visa, for example, is busy linking Rwandan shops and cash machines to its global network.
Meanwhile, up to 10, 000 former Rwandan soldiers are still moving westwards ahead of the rebels.
Rival Rwandan and Ugandan armies agreed to withdraw from the Congolese city of Kisangani.
To stop them, Rwandan Tutsis recruited Kabila, an ageing revolutionary, and engineered his rise.
Some senior Rwandan officials are dismissive of Mr Kabila's ability to project any force in eastern Congo.
Dozens of Rwandan army officers are thought to have been shot, have disappeared or have had accidents.
The Rwandan army says it killed 378 rebels in an operation to clear rebels from north-west Rwanda.
One decision facing them is whether to allow a Rwandan unit caught in the west to escape.
Rwandan opposition leader Victoire Ingabire says she is boycotting her terror trial, accusing the judge of bias.
Perhaps it is the voracious glee with which this sleek rich world is devouring these exquisite Rwandan putti.
Atraco have been out of action for the last month after the end of the Rwandan league season.
Judge Fernando Andreu also indicted the Rwandan officers for the murder of nine Spanish citizens, including six missionaries.
The enemy - the Rwandan Patriotic Front or RPF - had been formed among Tutsi exiles in Uganda.
What is unclear is the extent of the relationship between the Rwandan president, Paul Kagame, with Mr Nkunda.
The Rwandan government, formerly a close ally, disintegrated in genocidal mass murder and was replaced by English-speaking Rwandans.
To the new Rwandan government, however, they were regarded as fugitives from justice.
In the power vacuum after the fall of Mobutu, Rwandan troops were moving into the east of the Congo.
Rwandan officials point to three training camps which they say were set up at the beginning of the year.
Likewise, Congolese Tutsi businessmen serve as a Rwandan vanguard, opening up eastern Congolese land for cattle grazing and mining.
ECONOMIST: The latest rebellion in eastern Congo does no one any good
The PM said he would hold "firm" talks with Rwandan President Paul Kagame.
"They no longer have any reason to fight since the withdrawal of Rwandan troops from Congolese territory, " he said.
The clashes forced thousands to resettle along the border in Rwandan refugee camps.
Rwanda and Uganda got involved in the Congo mess because they wanted to hunt down those genocidal Rwandan Hutus.