At the same time, the ZeptoLab team wanted to introduce new characters without sacrificing Om Nom's brand recognition.
In his note, Raymond went on to say that Mourinho would be the only appointment that could increase the club's brand recognition.
"The benefit has always been that there's brand value or recognition in the title that helps it break through the clutter of the marketplace, " says David Bishop, president of MGM Home Entertainment.
But let's call a spade a spade: These are advertisements aimed at building brand recognition among public radio's affluent, educated audience.
By now, Samsung's Galaxy devices have become synonymous with Android, to the point that the manufacturer has more brand recognition than any other phone or tablet running Google's operating system.
Frankfort noted the company's strong results reflect the increasing recognition of the Coach brand globally as well as a positive consumer response to the product offerings, and he said the company should continue to report solid results on the top and bottom lines through a combination of global productivity gains and distribution growth.
Samsung has benefited from high brand recognition in India, thanks to the company's household appliances, such as television sets and air conditioners.
Moreover, as Britain's recently deregulated electricity, gas and telecoms companies have discovered, brand recognition or loyalty seems to be a dream in the utilities business: having been assured of a basic level and quality of service, most consumers buy on price alone, and switch allegiances frequently.
With better economic growth prospects and lower competition among major western brands than the U.S., international markets provide an opportunity to gain market share and brand recognition.
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Most analysts consider China Life the country's most attractive life company because it has a wider distribution network and stronger brand recognition than its competitors.
By going abroad and getting companies like Maytag, which they may or may not get, Lenovo buying other brand names, China can instantly have this recognition for the brands that it's already making in its own factories.
Indeed, K-J relies on widespread brand recognition. (Jackson filed a losing lawsuit against Gallo for mimicking K-J's label with its cheaper Turning Leaf line.) But Jackson believes that wine is sold differently from other consumer products: K-J eschews most advertising--it focuses instead on the point of sale in restaurants and retailers.