"China's got a one child policy, so parents there are very safety conscious, " Mr Samuelsson says.
You should be safe at work and Mark was very, very safety conscious.
That said, people who live like that, who are naturally safety conscious, do that all the time, and have a good time the rest of the time.
Among dozens of long-term suggestions, which deal in large part with institutional changes to make the NASA bureaucracy more safety conscious, the CAIB report offered eight short-term recommendations before returning to flight, many of which concern engineering issues.
Even a well-intentioned and safety-conscious company like BPR would choose the profit path over the corporate responsibility one.
Washington (CNN) -- James Freudenberg had a reputation as a safety-conscious helicopter pilot.
Rings are bigger, referees more safety-conscious and decisions are given quickly without lengthy confabulations in the middle of the ring.
Insurance companies would reward those who are the most safety-conscious owners.
Quality testing, to take another example, is kept to the legal bare minimum a threshold much lower than it is in the more safety-conscious precincts of the planet.
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Arleen Weise, who lost her son Adam in the April 20 Deepwater Horizon explosion, said she believed the company was "safety-conscious" and it didn't bother her that Transocean paid bonuses.
David Graham, a researcher at the FDA's office of drug safety who had raised persistent warnings about Vioxx's safety, gave an idea of what an FDA that is even more conscious of safety might be like.
Among the commission's preliminary findings, released on Monday, was that there was "no evidence at this time to suggest that there was a conscious decision to sacrifice safety concerns to save money".
Their overriding mission, says Howard, is to keep lawmakers conscious of how policy, even popular items like environmental or safety protections, can drive up the costs of housing.